Sentences with phrase «reproductive advantage»

The study suggests that larger males have a clear reproductive advantage in the wild over the smaller males.
According to life - history theories there should be reproductive advantages of remaining with the same partner.
Once they had established a beach head, occurring in as little as five percent of a population, these radical mutations tended to spread quickly throughout the species, their survival or reproductive advantage allowing them to gain ground over multiple generations.
Wild plants seek their own reproductive advantages, so they have abundant seeds and thick exteriors.
Morals are a construct which was passed down through the generations because it conferred a reproductive advantage on a species that required social organization to survive.
Be it one, or a thousand gene combination, the reproductive advantage goes to the hetros
Among the 15,000 places in the genome she studied, the vast majority of changes seemed evolutionarily neutral — but there are 67 places where one variant was favored over another, likely because it conferred a survival or reproductive advantage, she reported at the meeting.
The «gay gene» would conceivably, therefore, have to provide a reproductive advantage.
«It shows that a kind of social selection can operate in humans, whereby people inherit status and the reproductive advantage that goes along with that,» he says.
In a computer model, Whitehead found that a theoretical cultural behavior that gives a 10 % reproductive advantage and is passed to 95 % of daughters will reduce mtDNA diversity to almost zero in 300 generations.
18 The exchange of saliva could provide a reproductive advantage for males.
That gives these birds «a reproductive advantage in the U.K., suggesting that selection on longer beaks is ongoing,» says Bosse.
This reduces female control of where the sperm end up and gives males a reproductive advantage, often at the expense of female fitness.
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