Sentences with phrase «reproductive organs through»

When we remove a pet's reproductive organs through spay or neuter surgery, this essentially eliminates the risk that he or she will ever develop reproductive cancers.
She most famously toured in artsy, explicit shows including the notorious «Public Cervix Announcement,» where audience members could view her reproductive organs through a speculum.

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The flower structure contains the plant's reproductive organs, and its function is to produce seeds through reproduction.
When pollen grains (male reproductive organ) germinate at the tip of the pistil (female reproductive organ), a pollen tube grows through the pistil.
The primordial germ cells of the donor bird's embryo are extracted, grown in cell cultures, and then transmitted through the reproductive organs of surrogate host parents (known as chimeras).
«It's been known for a while that Zika virus in men can find its way into the reproductive organs and may then go on to be sexually transmitted, but this study in mice is the first suggestion that this passage through the reproductive tract may actually be damaging.
The truth of the matter is, our skin is one big absorptive organ and everything we spray, apply, slather, or walk on makes its way through our hormonal system (especially the thyroid — hypothyroidism is on the rise, as is infertility and other reproductive and hormonal problems).
The command center for our endocrine glands is in our brain — the hypothalamus and pituitary glands — and they send signals to distant parts of the body to control everything from our stress response through our adrenal glands to our blood sugar balance through our pancreas to our thyroid hormone via our thyroid gland to our sexual behavior and function through our reproductive organs.
Hydrotherapy supports the detoxification process as your body will pump out the old blood and lymph from the extremities and allows new essence to circulate through your major organs, reproductive organs and circulatory system.
It's totally normal for a woman's reproductive organs to cease producing hormones; and for them to feel normal through peri-menopause and after menopause.
Puppies contract it via the birth canal when they're born (if their mother has the virus in their reproductive organs) or through nasal secretions.
The term «neuter» be used to describe the sterilization of either female or male pets through the removal of reproductive organs.
Distribution through the bloodstream results in infection of other target organs including kidneys, liver, spleen, CNS, & reproductive tract.
The term «neuter,» while more commonly used to refer to the castration of male pets, can be used to describe the sterilization of either female or male pets through the removal of reproductive organs.
Through this incision, the veterinarian gains access to the cat's reproductive organs.
Historically, veterinarians would examine the reproductive organs of birds by inserting a small camera into the bird's network or air sacs, through which they could visualize the organs directly.
When a female dog is spayed, the reproductive organs are removed through a small incision in the abdomen.
These can include an ultrasound; endometrial biopsy (taking a small sample of tissue from the lining of your uterus); and laparoscopy (inserting a tiny camera through a small cut in your belly button to look at your reproductive organs).
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