Sentences with phrase «reprogramming process»

The phrase "reprogramming process" refers to the act of changing or altering the instructions or commands in a system or device. It involves updating or modifying the existing programming to achieve desired results or fix issues. Full definition
The cells expressed many genes known to be expressed in primordial germ cells, and underwent a genetic reprogramming process called demethylation associated with sperm production.
Twelve years later, Yamanaka and Takahashi finally defined the role of MYC in this important reprogramming process, answering several lingering questions.
The observations add weight to the theory that transforming an adult cell's DNA into an embryonic state is a gradual reprogramming process, Hochedlinger says.
This means that reprogramming process begins, there is no longer any room for chance; the genes involved are ready to be activated and enable the successful reprogramming of all the cells.
In a Philadelphia Inquirer op - ed, he wrote that such eternal life was in our reach because «Being able to decode the human genome allows us to develop detailed models of how major diseases, such as heart disease and cancer, progress, and gives us the tools to reprogram those processes away from disease.»
Taking advantage of the high efficiency of the keratinocyte reprogramming process, Aasen decided to test whether he could establish KiPS cells from minute amounts of biological samples.
The innovative approach offers a potentially simpler technique to produce the valuable cell type and provides important insights into the cellular reprogramming process.
You can begin the positive mental reprogramming process by writing down your goals, changing your internal dialogue and taking a few minutes to relax, quiet your mind and perform a session of visualization or mental rehearsal every day (seeing yourself in your «mind's eye» not as you currently are, but as you ideally would like to be).
To solve these problems, Hingtgen's group wanted to see whether they could skip a step in the genetic reprogramming process, which first transforms adult skin cells into standard stem cells and then turns those into neural stem cells.
The MYC protein — which is one of the molecules used to reprogram iPSCs from adult cells — likely plays a role in dictating which sites in the genome are randomly methylated during the reprogramming process, the researchers hypothesized.
The exact stages a cell goes through during the reprogramming process are also not well understood.
Drs. Vincent Pasque and Jason Tchieu, postdoctoral fellows in the lab of Dr. Plath and co-first authors of the study, developed a roadmap of the reprogramming process using detailed time - course analyses.
One problem with using iPS cells therapeutically is that the reprogramming process creates cells prone to forming tumors.
Through these multiple discoveries, the Gladstone scientists noticed that the reprogramming process involves many genes and proteins important for cancer biology.
With a clearer picture of the reprogramming process in hand, the field of regenerative medicine can now build upon these findings to answer the next set of burning questions.
Instead, they continue to multiply as if nothing happened and successfully complete the reprogramming process.
When researchers suppressed the ARF gene in mole - rat cells during the reprogramming process to iPSCs, the cells stopped proliferation with sign of cellular senescence, while the opposite happens with mouse cells.
These factors guide a reprogramming process that reverts the cells to an embryonic state, in which they have the potential to become virtually any type of cell.
The researchers discovered that female and male cells behave differently after the reprogramming process and that this is due to their different number of X chromosomes — two in female cells and one in male cells.
To investigate the different stages of the reprogramming process, the researchers separated male and female cells to examine them side by side.
The discovery, published online in the journal Nature, decreases the time needed for cell reprogramming from a couple of weeks to a few days and reveals new information on the reprogramming process for iPS cells and their potential medical applications.
The problem of this discovery is that only a very small percentage of cells can be reprogrammed, the reprogramming process takes weeks and its success rate is somewhat hit - and - miss.
The completion of differentiation correlated with less aberrant methylation during the reprogramming process.
«We believe that ASF1A and GDF9 are two players among many others that remain to be discovered which are part of the cellular - reprogramming process,» Cibelli said.
The researchers say that the genes ASF1A and OCT4 work in tandem with a ligand, a hormone - like substance that also is produced in the oocyte called GDF9, to facilitate the reprogramming process.
Many scientists had assumed, however, that the cellular environment in living tissues would interfere with the reprogramming process, especially because natural development is usually a one - way street, from stem cells to differentiated and mature tissue cells.
And dozens of labs are working on ways to improve the reprogramming process so that the stray gene expression is eliminated.
(The reprogramming process has been done without that gene but it yields far fewer IPS cells.)
«Creating iPSCs from patient cells carrying genetic mutations is not only useful for disease modeling, but can also offer new insights into the reprogramming process
Beyond improving the reprogramming process, current research is focused on the application of iPSCs for the study of disease and drug discovery.
There are several steps in the reprogramming process.
Without genes in the mix, he now has total control over the reprogramming process in a precise, temporal manner: because his chemical cocktails act in finite intervals, the body will no longer be exposed to the drugs when their time is up.
This reprogramming process is novel because it triggers the conversion of one specialized cell directly into another specialized cell, without first being forced to become a stem cell.
The first is the ability to reproducibly support deriving iPS cells, which is important for mechanistically dissecting the reprogramming process.
Of note, the technique employed allowed the authors to visualize the stage - specific formation and disassembly of transcription factor interaction hubs during the reprogramming process
«This suggests that the reprogramming process may repair or replace the ring chromosome in these cells,» explained Dr. Hayashi.
Also, it is beneficial for continuous observation of the reprogramming process, in particular at single colony or even single cell levels.
Using NPCs, Silva et al. delineated two phases in the reprogramming process (pre-pluripotency and ground state pluripotency) and demonstrated that dual inhibition (2i) of mitogen - activated protein kinase (MAKP) signaling and glycogen synthase kinase - 3 (GSK3) signaling combined with the self - renewal cytokine leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) promotes pre-pluripotent cells to ground state pluripotency [19].
Since the reprogramming process requires only two factors, the chance of insertional mutagenesis is minimized.
Compared to MEF cells, which can be maintained for only 5 — 7 days after irradiation, HFF cells as a feeder layer avoid frequent passage and allow the maintenance of established cell - cell interaction during the reprogramming process.
Their method, published ahead of print in the Oct. 17, 2008 online edition of Nature Biotechnology, not only provides a practical and simple alternative for the generation of patient - and disease - specific stem cells, which had been hampered by the low efficiency of the reprogramming process, but also spares patients invasive procedures to collect suitable starting material, since the process only requires a single human hair.
The scientists are now working to eliminate the virus from the reprogramming process.
The short life span of MEF cells has necessitated repeated passaging for reprogramming cells onto new feeders, making mechanistic dissection of the reprogramming process difficult.
Comparing the reprogramming of somatic cells of different sources helps researchers to delineate universal and cell - specific pieces of the reprogramming process
How exactly does the reprogramming process fix the broken chromosome?
The three - dimensional organization of the genome represents a cell - type specific means to regulate gene transcription; however, we currently lack a detailed understanding of the architectural changes that occur during the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) due to the inherent inefficiency of the reprogramming process [1].
More recently, Dr. Kim's lab identified novel mechanisms underlying the reprogramming process through metabolic control, which allowed him to devise more efficient and safer reprogramming methods.
These rECs could be valuable for cell therapy, personalized disease investigation, and exploration of the reprogramming process.
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