Sentences with phrase «reps superset»

Warm Up: Row machine, Elliptical or Stair master 3 - 5 minutes (1x total) Squats (no weight) 1x25 Workout: Superset 1: MB Woodchoppers 1x 30 reps (15 each side) Tricep Kickbacks 1x 15 reps Box Jumps 1x 20 reps Superset 2: Reverse Lunge to...
Partial Squats on Smith Machine 15 reps with 5 lbs superset 20 reps of rows with 20 lbs Leg Press with 10 lbs 25 reps superset with underhand pulldowns with 80 lbs.
Leg Extension with 60 lbs for 20 reps superset with Split Squats with 10 lb dumbbells Front bar squats for 3 sets for 15 reps superset with 1 set step ups on bench (I was not feeling good by this time).
Day # 14 Workout: 45 minute bike ride Chest and Shoulders All exercises were 3 sets of 20 reps superset of following Incline Chest (15 lbs) and Dumbbell pullovers (15 lbs) Peck Deck 40 lbs.
What works best for me is to start my training sessions with heavier compound movements, then finish out with isolation, high - rep supersets.

Not exact matches

Do shrugs to the front for 15 - 20 reps, then do them behind the back for the same number of reps; repeat until you complete 4 - 5 supersets.
Here's how: you will train your biceps twice a week for four weeks with the following six - move workout made up of three supersets, performing all exercises in consecutive order with the prescribed number of sets, reps rest periods and tempo.
These are your classic supersets, partials and rest - pause to push sets after full - rep failure.
During your workout, you need to target each of the abdominal muscles with supersets and a lot of reps, working them from every angle possible.
Added challenge: Superset this exercise with 10 reps of jump squats after each set.
Squats 4 x 10 reps in a superset with Leg curls 4 x 10 reps Lunges 4 x 10 reps (each leg) in a superset with Standing calf raises 4 x 10 reps
Dumbbell shoulder press 4 x 8 reps in a superset with Pull Ups 4 x 8 - 10 reps Barbell bench press 4 x 8 reps in a superset with Bent over barbell rows 4 x 8 reps
If you regularly do superset biceps and triceps workouts or forced reps of bench presses and side lateral drop sets, it's highly unlikely that you will be able to put the same pressure on your legs as well, just because it's going to hurt too much.
Simple things, such as increasing the number of reps, performing supersets, and getting a workout buddy, can go a long way to improving your overall performance.
Bench press — 3 sets x 15, 10 and 4 reps... superset with cable crossovers — 3 sets x 20 reps Dumbbell flyes — 3 sets x 20, 15 and 6 reps... superset with cable crossovers — 3 sets x 20 reps Incline bench press — 3 sets x 15 reps Barbell pullovers — 3 sets x 25 reps Dips — 3 sets to failure Cable crossovers — 3 sets x 25 reps
1B) Stability Ball Ab Pike — 10 reps (2 -0-1) • Rest 1 minute before repeating 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.
Superset # 3 3A) DB 1 - Leg Calf Raise — 10 reps per side (2 -0-1) • No rest.
Superset # 2 2A) DB Bulgarian Split Squat — 12 reps (2 -0-1) • No rest.
2B) 1 - Leg Stability Ball Leg Curl — 8 reps per side (1 -0-1) • Rest 1 minute before repeating 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.
Do 3 supersets with 12 reps per exercise, per superset, and you will feel the results.
Superset # 1 1A) DB Walking Lunge — 8 reps (2 -0-1) • No rest.
Superset # 4 4A) Stability Ball Rollout — 8 repetitions (3 -0-2) • No rest 4B) X-Body Mountain Climber — 12 reps per side (1 -0-1) • Rest 1 minute and repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.
During his heyday in the 70's he trained all body parts three times per week and frequently worked out twice daily, employing classic movements and supersets with reps in the 10 - 20 range to build his legendary physique.
FACE PULLS — Sets: 3, Reps: 12 - 15, Rest: 60 seconds, Training System: Superset 4.
This type of supersets refers to performing two exercises that work opposing muscle groups (while one contracts, the other relaxes), such as chest and back or biceps and triceps, which allows using a higher rep range or heavier weights.
Your body adopts the attitude «been there, done that» and refuses to budge even though you are now doing forced reps, drop sets, supersets and every other high intensity training technique you can think of.
Superset: Reverse Grip Triceps Kickbacks 3 sets of 8 - 12 reps Neutral Grip Triceps Kickbacks 3 sets of 8 - 12 reps (60 sec rest)
Superset: Triceps Bench Dips 3xfailure with bodyweight (use weight if you can for 10 reps minimum and then drop the weight and keep on going) Dumbbell Curls 3 × 10 - 15 reps
Superset: Triceps Pushdowns 3 × 10 - 15 reps Triceps Pushdowns (reverse grip) 3xfailure with same weight as above
Should you do supersets or stick to low reps?
Superset # 1 (# of sets x # of repetitions x weight) 1A) DB Reverse Lunge — 3x12x25 reps 1B) Stability Ball Jackknife — 3 × 15 reps No rest in between sets
Just to make sure I got it right: Im doing 2 exercises in a workout session, with 6 supersets, and 10 reps, followed by a HIIT exercise?
Second, the best resistance training program to lose weight involves supersets and 8 reps per set, not 15 - 25 reps per set.
for example ONE superset would be 6 - 15 reps of Dips followed by 6 - 15 reps of chin - ups and you wold do a total of 3 - 6 sets like that and then do HIIT
Give this a go by completing up to 8 supersets of the drills at 5 reps per side of each drill with 1 - 2 minutes of rest between supersets.
Day # 13 Food Choices: Green Smoothie with spinach, raspberries, coconut water, and apples Sunny burgers from Ani Phyo's book After the gym: Bananas with kale and acai Nectarine Mock Salmon inside of a half of a red pepper Buckwheat cereal with carob and Garden of Life Protein Mung beans with vinegar and garlic Store bought hummus with carrots and celery and AB Dessert: Here is where I ruined my eating: (Shredded coconut with carob, honey and coconut oil Calories: 2500 Day # 13 Workout: All exercises were 3 sets Smith Machine Squats 15 reps 10 lbs superset with 15 Pulldowns with 80 lbs.
Im supersetting between parts of workout A for example: One superset would be 6 - 15 reps of body dips followed by 6 - 15 reps of power fly.
So just to make sure I got it right: Im doing two exercises in a workout session, 6 supersets, 10 reps, followed by a HIIT exercise?
Routine can be entered the way they work best for you: you can specify rep ranges, pick weight based on intensity (in percent of your calculated 1 rep max) or define supersets and giant sets.
It has been my experience to do full body training (multiple body parts within the same workout), within a superset, tri-set, and mini-circuit format with a rep range of about 8 - 12 reps.. This rep range generates lactic acid which seems to create the biggest metabolic demand.
While bodybuilding magazines may be pushing other fancy high rep routines with drop sets and supersets, this is not the best way to go.
Cutting - Heavy cardio (4 to 5 times a week); HIIT (High intensity interval training), Plyometrics, and Tabata; weightlifting lower weight, more reps per set; less rest between sets (30 seconds); supersets encouraged
Returning to the start position is one rep.. This Tate D / B set then gets a superset immediately afterwards with the same amount of reps doing D / B hammer curls.
Supersets Tri Sets Giant Sets Drop Sets Pre Exhaust Negatives Rest - Pause Forced Reps Partials 13.
I was unable to do any exercise for around 2 months and I started on my upper body again which consisted of instense 2 hour weight sessions — going for volume and intensity over weight and strength so 15 - 20 reps and supersets, trisets etc..
2B) Superset with Dumbbell hammer curls standing on one leg (3 sets of 10 reps, light weight)-- again, for stability.
The In - Set Superset is slightly different than a regular Superset in that you alternate single reps of two different exercises WITHIN a set, using a common transition position between the two exercises.
Exercise: Squats — 5 sets of 5 reps — increase weight each time Superset with clapping push ups — 5 sets of 5 reps — perform immediately after squats.
Leg Presses Seated Leg Curl 5 sets of 10 reps each in a superset.
In the first superset, you will perform 10 reps.. In the next superset you will perform 9 reps. Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise.
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