Sentences with phrase «request for disclosure»

The motion judge ordered that the parties exchange requests for disclosure within 20 days and the documentation be produced within 60 days thereafter.
Consequently, they should avoid making «inappropriately wide or inadequately defined requests for disclosure of information or documents by the police or other agencies».
As ICBC Claims Lawyers part of our job is protecting personal injury claimants from broad requests for disclosure of medical, employment and school records.
Justice Cromwell for the majority indicated that government institutions must make reasonable efforts to give third parties written notice of requests for disclosure except where a waiver has been made.
If you do not want to authorize a specific request for disclosure, you may refuse to do so without fear of reprisal.
We routinely advise clients, including pharmaceutical companies, long - term care and retirement facilities, insurers, and employers, on compliance with all aspects of Ontario's Personal Health Information Protection Act, Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, including how to respond to requests for disclosure of personal health information.
I think the key objection is probably because of the resource implications of replying to requests for disclosure.
After a Staten Island grand jury decided in December not to indict NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo for the July chokehold death of Eric Garner, a request for disclosure of the transcripts and evidence presented to the grand jury was brought before the court by Public Advocate James, the New York Civil Liberties Union, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and The New York Post.
The Minority Spokesperson on Finance, Dr. Athony Akoto Osei, has described as petty, President Mahama's request for the disclosure of the cost of the cedi redenomination exercise undertaken in 2007 by the then NPP administration.
After a Staten Island grand jury decided in December not to indict NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo for the July chokehold death of Eric Garner, a request for disclosure of the transcripts and evidence
Today's request for disclosure on the 2007 redenomination is another demonstration of incompetence.
Maybe the author's request for disclosure is the right solution.
He says there is a request for disclosure seeking that information.
The protective measures ordered by the court differ depending on whether the request for disclosure is made by a shareholder or a non-shareholder.
The appellant did not answer all of the requests for disclosure.
The order also provided that failure to answer all of the requests for disclosure by the deadline would entitle the wife to renew her motion to strike the husband's pleadings.
The wife served a request for disclosure as required, but many of the documents were not produced by the husband.
However, after the vote on first reading in the Parliament, this provision was amended and the New Law requires specific evidence to be requested for disclosure.
Any request for disclosure of data or information used in ranking resume writing services may or may not be accommodated by Best 10 Resume Writers to further uphold its privacy.
If however, a parent or guardian requests information concerning a minor over twelve years old, we may notify the minor, and if the minor objects to the disclosure, we may deny the request for disclosure.
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