Sentences with phrase «request like this»

The owner is very friendly and can help you with simple requests like arranging your airport shuttle service for a fee or avail the onsite parking space for free.
One colleague in specific has received requests like this in several interviews and told that their samples where spot on yet was never hired by any of the companies that requested custom interview samples.
If you do, do they then make requests like this?
It's better this way though: it's much easier to make changes to your itinerary and complete special requests like those for child fares if you've booked directly with the airline.
We are considering establishing a network of guides because we get so many requests like yours.
We're getting requests like that more and more, and it's a product line we're probably going to start offering soon.
Other requests like hourly rates and venue only fees will be quoted for separately according to individual requirements.
We are required to act promptly on requests like this and remove any games included in the notice.
Be sure to connect using a personalized request like this.
For parents who share joint physical custody — with the child spending a lot of time with both parents — the court can treat the relocation request like an original custody decision.
The only thing that makes requests like this worse is that I usually have to explain the difference between editing and proofreading.
Admirals Clubs often have separate ticketing desks that can handle requests like seat or flight changes, which is invaluable.
Find out when your child will understand requests like «quiet down» or «wait a minute,» why it can be hard for them to respond,...
You can also ask for specific genres, and narrow down the search with requests like «just the latest.»
I've included requests like bypassing lines and expecting airport assistance at all times.
I thought twice about asking her, not because she's not approachable — she is — but because I found myself thinking «She must gets loads of requests like this.
From the very start, it coped with our casual requests like «play me some music» or «what's the latest news?»
Our ExactCare ® plans include 24/7 global travel assistance to help you with simple requests like changing a flight or a hotel, or critical situations such as finding a doctor, replacing a prescription, or coordinating a medical emergency.
I doubt that Banjo - Kazooie (or other popular requests like K. Rool and Issac) did as well as people thought they did, and I figure that Sakurai would have tried to get them if they had won the ballot, even with Microsoft being in the way.
Standard Innovation, which now has 25 full - time employees, has also responded to customer feedback, says Glickman, incorporating user requests like waterproofing and a remote control into the latest version.
The lawyer who fought to vacate the rule says requests like those filed by the AARP and three states have a low success rate.
There are alternative organizations that you can request like SMART or Rational Recovery, that actually show an improved rate of success, and don't include religious dogma.
We would not want Ramsey to blackmail Arsenal with obscene salary request like Ozil and Sanchez
«I can't imagine any time soon the likes of Sanchez putting in a transfer request like Coutinho did the other day.
There are situations and injustices worth standing up to, and then there are weird requests like «please don't wear those leggings because another kid is afraid of them.»
There's been excitement building all summer, and You Tube dance videos requested like mad.
Step back a moment and assess whether your toddler is capable of following common verbal requests like «Bring me your shoe,» or «Hand me your sippy cup.»
Instead of traditional take - home bottles being handed out, mothers have to request it like medication, and listen to a lecture from hospital staff discouraging formula feeding, unless absolutely necessary.
You can't even make special request like inviting ur husband, mother or mum in law except they are medical personnels.
Patti is always so helpful at honoring requests like this when possible!
As a digital marketing manager, I'm often fielding requests like these for my clients, but being on the receiving end reminds me of how grateful I am for what I do and the amazing female entrepreneurs and leaders I get to work with every day — from Skinesque, Parker Smith and Tiny Crane to Amanda, Monica and Yuri.
We had very small requests like, «It would be great if right there that person was — is that okay?
SERC's Executive Director's response was, «I had been anticipating requests like the one in your email given my various conversations with the Commissioner and others.»
You follow someone and they send you a dm requesting you like their facebook page as well.
The staff are quite nice, too, and could accommodate special requests like taxi pickup or allow you to drive up to the main door, unpack, and park your own car elsewhere.
«WWE 2K18's downloadable content will deliver a notable combination of playable WWE Superstars, NXT Superstars and WWE Hall of Famers, as well as popular annual requests like new gameplay moves,» said Greg Thomas, President at Visual Concepts.
For old fans, Sonic Mania reinvents a number of old stages, starting off with the classic Green Hill Zone and Chemical Plant before introducing fan requests like Lava Reef and Flying Battery.
If you've ever sent me a LinkedIn request like this and haven't received a response, it's not because I'm a jerk; it's because I think it's rude to request a public professional connection from someone to whom you've never introduced yourself.
You can type in «smith complaint filetype: pdf,» but even a specific request like that will probably display at least the complaint, answer, and a few memoranda and affidavits.
No servicing requests like premium redirection, partial withdrawals, fund switches etc. will be allowed in the event of the death of the insured.
Siri is also better at more abstract requests like «Play me some sad music,» which I've been asking for more frequently now that summer is basically over.
When Alexa hears a customer request like, «Alexa, start the meeting», Alexa recognizes the customer intent to start a meeting in a specific meeting room or location.
Make a weather request like: «What's the weather like in Beverly Hills?»
You can even prompt Cortana with a general request like «Ask Fitbit how am I doing today,» and Cortana will keep you posted with a brief summary.
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