Sentences with phrase «requests gets better responses»

Giving specific requests gets better responses than vague, «make it better» requests.

Not exact matches

We requested a refund for unopened packages or some compensation because we've spent well over $ 200.00 on the kits and inserts and the only response we got was sorry cant help you, but you can sell it privately.
The best part is I got a request to review this, so I quietly sent an email telling them about the issue with the product, no response, they weren't actually interested in my feedback on in my positive review.
Even better, he would get it done quickly, issuing a «request for proposals» to developers that same week, with responses due in 90 days.
Koeppen herself made contact with the scammers: «When I got online requesting information about puppies, it didn't take long for me to get several e-mail responses — all of them from people with puppies who needed good homes — all of them happened to be on a mission in
Communicate this to your partner objectively to get the best response to any request you have — from toothpaste caps to more personal issues.
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