Sentences with phrase «require episiotomies»

And given that studies have shown that women who require episiotomies are more likely to experience post-delivery complications — such as blood loss, infection, postpartum pain, pain during intercourse and the involuntary passage of gas or «fecal material» — you can see why most women are eager to do whatever they can to sidestep this particular surgical procedure.
A fear of tearing or requiring an episiotomy is quite common among expecting mothers.
I required an episiotomy (which resulted in a third degree tear)-- had that not been done I could have lost my son, who was not coming out or able to get oxygen.
If you delivered a large baby or stretched and tore during delivery, or required an episiotomy, you will likely be stitched up.

Not exact matches

Some women tear spontaneously in this area during delivery — even with an episiotomy — and the tears can range from almost undetectable to severe, requiring a significant number of stitches to repair.
A lot of moms wind up with episiotomies to get stuck babies out, but the worst - case scenario is an emergency C - section that requires general anesthesia, making the birth experience not only traumatizing for mom, but also cuts her out of the birth entirely.
Worst case scenario is baby's head becomes stuck on the way out, possibly requiring an emergency C - section, forceps or vacuum assistance, or episiotomy.
Even the quickest and smoothest of deliveries is bound to result in sore and swollen tissues, and the discomfort after delivery can be more severe if there was any tearing or an episiotomy was required.
The I2 value was greater than 50 % for 10 outcomes (antenatal hospitalisation, amniotomy, augmentation, opiate analgesia, attendance at birth by known carer, intact perineum, perineum requiring suturing, duration of postnatal hospital stay, duration of neonatal stay, breastfeeding initiation, and greater than 30 % for a further six (antepartum haemorrhage, induction of labour, episiotomy, five - minute Apgar score less than seven, preterm birth, admission to neonatal care).
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