Sentences with phrase «require frequent visits»

Clinical trials often require frequent visits to the teaching hospital.
Just like any other dog though, they will have medical expenses such as vaccines and will require frequent visits to the dentist as they may inherit dental problems from its Pomeranian parent.
Puppies will require frequent visits to the vet while they are receiving vaccines, but after a year old, most veterinarians recommend yearly visits.
Others will require frequent visits to a neonatal follow - up clinic to assess growth and development as well as the regular check - ups with their doctor.
You should also aim for a six - month fund if someone in your house has a chronic medical condition that requires frequent visits to the doctor or hospital.
This is especially true if you become ill with a condition that requires frequent visits to the doctor.

Not exact matches

Some circumstances may require more frequent visits.
Women pregnant with twins will require closer medical attention, and perhaps more frequent prenatal visits, and it's vital that they receive the proper care.
Not only does spacing out vaccines leave kids vulnerable to infections for longer than necessary — putting them at risk of exposure to diseases like measles and whooping cough while they wait to be vaccinated — but they also require more frequent visits to a doctor's office where they could catch other diseases as well.
This also means patients will no longer need frequent medical visits and blood tests, which are required for those taking theses types of medications.
Many heavy metal removal protocols need to be done under medical supervision, are invasive, time consuming and require the patient to return for frequent visits.
LOD is preferred over ovulation induction for women that have other indications for surgery, for example, they may require laproscopy for endometriosis also, or when the patient is not able to comply with the frequent follow - up visits required with injectible hormone therapy (Perales - Puchalt at.
Newman is currently rated as requires improvement and is subject to frequent monitoring visits.
I would hope to live independently for as long as possible but if circumstances required me to live in an assisted living or nursing home, I would hope to be surrounded by a loving, caring staff, access to getting outdoors and with frequent visits from my children and friends.
Older dogs will usually need to see a vet once a year, unless your dog has some medical condition that requires more frequent visits.
Just like people, when dogs grow older they may develop age - related conditions such as arthritis that can require more frequent vet visits, as well as medications.
Cervical Intervertebral Disc Disease often requires long - term treatment and frequent veterinary visits to manage pain.
Senior cats or cat with medical issues will require more frequent visits.
Many dogs, especially as they get older, develop chronic health issues that might require medications, prescription diets, and frequent visits to the vet for conditional exams.
We recommend that healthy dogs and cats visit us once a year, pets with health issues and senior pets require more frequent check ups.
In addition, puppies generally cost more than adults during their first months home because they require frequent vet visits for shots and living / training expenses that adults often don't require, such as pee pads; exercise pens, crates, gates; toys, equipment, or your personal possessions that must be replaced due to chewing or house training accidents, etc..
This protocol requires more frequent veterinary visits than piroxicam alone.
Kittens require more frequent visits with the veterinarian initially for de-worming, cat vaccinations and spay or neuter surgery.
If your dog has frequent or regular diarrhea, an enzyme supplement or probiotic supplement given on an ongoing basis can also be helpful, but you need to try any treatment recommended by your vet first, since regular or frequent diarrhea definitely requires a visit to the vet's office.
In dogs, this is a disease that can be costly to treat and requires twice - a-day insulin along with frequent veterinary visits for the rest of your dog's life.
He would get painful blisters all over his body, and they would require frequent vet visits.
However, please consult your veterinarian since a pet's age, current condition and care unrelated to dentistry may require more frequent visits.
Senior pets require increased attention — including more frequent visits to the veterinarian, possible changes in diet, and, in some cases, alterations to their home environment.
Long haired dogs will require regular visits to the groomer and more frequent bathing.
Your pet will most likely require more frequent visits to the veterinarian for monitoring of the heart rate and rhythm, even with mild cases of this arrhythmia.
The game presents frequent suggestions on which locale to visit next (retrieving your team - mates as soon as possible is encouraged but not outright required at first), allowing the player to acclimatise themselves with each area at their own pace.
Severe Asthma: Frequent attacks that require regular hospital visits treated with medications including steroids.
In this context, appeals for home visiting linked to well - child care have been frequent, but the «how» and «why» of these linkages are poorly defined and require additional investigation.
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