Sentences with phrase «require much debate»

They are there to facilitate small changes in law which do not require much debate.

Not exact matches

Again, the issue of deficit reduction is unlikely to register very much in the debate about whether or not it is appropriate to require women to register for the draft — but it makes for an interesting example of just how far the unintended consequences of a piece of legislation can reach.
There is much debate over the relative merits of conventional farming, which has a large environmental impact on the land it uses, and organic farming, which may require greater land use for the same yield.
Some of this role requires intervention (for example, a warning to stop speaking over an opponent wouldn't go amiss), but too much would interrupt the flow of the debate.
The roundtable did not attempt to address what should be taught, but it was clear from the questions and discussion that much debate would be required to achieve consensus on the tools and skills required of the new workforce.
Much productive work might be achieved if this book became required reading for nuclear weapons scientists and antinuclear activists, as a way of overcoming the stereotypes that preclude debate.
Incredibly moving and powerful, it marks an impressive feature film debut from Shane and Wilson, and should pretty much be required viewing for anyone on either side of the abortion debate.
As much as empirical challenges may seem to render this debate theoretical, it is a critical one for policy: the authority to issue federal guidance to schools on discipline disparities comes directly from administrative authority to enforce the Civil Rights Act, which requires either different treatment or disparate intent.
Rapid e-learning Creation or Creative Flexibility - There is always a debate between how much easy to use, quick e-learning creation is required vs a full creative control over the course authoring.
Absent from the class - size debate has been an estimate of exactly how much additional funding will be required to meet 2018 - 19 class - size requirements while preserving enhancement classes for students in grades K - 3.
With that said, there are most likely some evidence sources that you are required to include (i.e. student achievement data), so there is not much sense spending a great deal of time debating the merits of the inclusion or exclusion of any of these required sources.
Mutual Funds Money Funds and the Regulators Following the 2008 financial crisis, there has been debate about how much regulatory change is needed, including whether floating net asset values should be required.
Following the 2008 financial crisis, there has been debate about how much regulatory change is needed, including whether floating net asset values should be required.
After much public debate, they were not euthanized, because, as Malcolm Gladwell, wrote, «The betrayal of loyalty requires an act of social reparation.»
Because we appreciate the efforts of all the artists in the exhibition, this was a tough decision to reach and one that required much discussion and debate.
Finally after much contention and debate, then will come the required shift of the paradigm.
Which brings me to the point that surely you can agree with Jennifer on: In general the public debate should involve a lot more looking at the actual data (cf. business & economics reporting) than the «meta - debate» we so often see currently, and specifically that «ultimately, good policy is going to require that a much larger percentage of Australians have a higher level of scientific literacy.»
Similar to other recent technical conferences, like Scaling Bitcoin Milan, the MIT event saw discussion of so - called top - level or «layer 2» bitcoin solutions that many argue will require the much - debated Segregated Witness upgrade.
However, much of the debate in this thread is to buy 1 house with $ 100k or 4 houses with $ 100k (many investment loans require 25 % down these days).
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