Sentences with phrase «require radical thinking»

These are serious times that require radical thinking, so it is staggering that the government have chosen to turn a blind eye to the huge amounts of wasteful and unnecessary public sector spending.
He also noted that «the area of adjudication requires some radical thinking and changes, commercial litigation is the area that feels the pinch the most,» noting that the system is so slow that, it has attracted a lot of negative comments outside the country.

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That requires two things which belied the «radical empiricism» James thought underlay all pragmatism.
The theory is both conservative, because it's based on previous knowledge, and radical, because it requires a major change in our way of thinking.
Many of us think that radical change is required.
I personally don't think they're necessarily opposed, but some interpretations of transhumanism require a huge and somewhat radical social change, while most strands of conservatism are skeptical and / or opposed to sudden changes.
There may be a few do - overs required, but with Uranus powering forward in direct motion now, we have cosmic permission to weave future - forward and radical thinking into our projects and plans.
Bringing deep learning and social justice front and center of education requires radical redefinitions of how we think and act on learning, teaching, and the management of schools and education systems.
Do you think painting the figure would require a radical change in your approach?
Obviously, the Good - Reuveny Effect requires radical adjustments to the thinking of many Climate Etc posters (Latimer Alder and Dave Springer, for example), and it is not reasonable to expect them to adjust their cognition so radically * and * rapidly.
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