Sentences with phrase «require rocket science»

Hooking up online does not require rocket science.
Using this website doesn't require rocket science and navigating around is a cake walk.

Not exact matches

By and large, no rocket science is required.
However, understanding your business credit score doesn't require a degree in rocket science (or even accounting for that matter).
Getting out of debt isn't rocket science, but it does require an in - depth knowledge of your own finances.
The second tip isn't rocket science if you're familiar with making a gravy, gumbo or almost any sauce that requires thickening.
This dish requires no measurements or rocket science, and works with most anything you have in the fridge, which makes it a particularly good way to get my two young daughters involved in the cooking process (and ensure they'll eat it after it's made).
It's a good skill to have and it just goes to show that cleaning doesn't require a degree in rocket science.
However, it doesn't require a degree in rocket science to convince you that to build bigger muscle requires the right information.
The reality of developing strength training workouts that are effective is that it doesn't require a degree in rocket science to convince you that burning fat and strengthening your muscles requires the right information.
«LEARN TO BURN THE FAT AND FEED THE MUSCLE CORRECTLY» The reality is that it doesn't require a degree in rocket science to convince you that to burn the fat, feed the muscle requires the right information.
But although strength training and nutrition are not rocket science (as everybody loves to say), they require individual approach.
Self - publishing requires a whole string of computer - based tasks, but they are not rocket science.
The centuries - old process of steeping grains in water and then fermenting with yeast is hardly rocket science, but it still requires sundry equipment: carboys, air locks, thermometers, racking canes, even something called a sparge bag.
Definitely not rocket science and it just requires a commitment from your part to do it.
Boosting dog food sales is not rocket science, but it does require retailers to focus some energy on presentation and promotion.
While the nomination process isn't exactly rocket science, it does require a bit more than simply submitting the name and location of a retail business.
It's not rocket science, but it requires more effort than a normal vacation.
But then I simply went back to the CO2 record and the temperature record (for what they are both worth) and figured it out for myself, using IPCC's estimates for CO2 and all anthropogenic forcings (no «models» or «rocket science» required).
It is not rocket science partner, there are two greenhouses, requiring two models, with «envelopes» that change with respect to each other.
This isn't rocket science, all that's required is an internet search for the «crooked skeptic scientists» accusation, then a look within the results to find out who the accusers cite as their source.
Hot composting is not rocket science, and it doesn't require expensive equipment or capital outlay.
The second example is a better one, and does require good coding — though probably not the informatics version of rocket science.
It's not rocket science but it does require analysis, visioning, investigation and strategic planning.
Although not rocket science, this type of work does require a serious amount of experience.
While keeping employees happy requires some attentiveness on the part of managers, it's not rocket science.
Resume writing is not rocket science, but it does require some basic skill.
Though writing a CV is not rocket - science but when it comes to write resume for the expats who are willing to work in other countries such as Dubai, you require professional CV writers in Dubai to match the requirements of the local employers and their criteria.
While optimizing your resume for an applicant tracking system isn't rocket science, it does require careful planning... and practice.
While having a better relationship requires effort, it isn't rocket science.
Dear Cornelia: In the «old days,» Web site owners required equal parts black magic and rocket science to consistently get results from search engines.
These three enhancements to your team's culture aren't rocket science, but they require a strong commitment to continuous improvement that starts with you.
Investing in real estate isn't rocket science, but it does require doing your homework.
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