Sentences with phrase «requirements along with food»

Love and friendship are the basic human requirements along with food shelter and clothing.

Not exact matches

Many challenges face food and beverage manufacturers, including stringent regulatory requirements that demand tight control of manufacturing processes and traceability, along with tight business practices.
Through our in house expertise in the food, beverage, paper and other industries, and along with our global partners, we are able to offer the latest and most suitable technologies for most industrial clients» requirements.
She is on solids (along with some formula) and likes putting all the food on her head so baths are a nightly requirement.
And, along with the new requirement that Nutrition Facts disclose added sugars, the AHA recommendation will also likely encourage manufacturers to start scaling back on excess sweeteners, particularly in foods commonly eaten by children.
Instead, USDA left this issue up to the states, with the vague caveat that such fundraisers must be «infrequent» along with a statement that the agency expects that «the frequency of such exempt fundraisers... [will] not reach a level to impair the effectiveness of the competitive food requirements in this rule.»
It is also that capitalogenic global warming (CGW) has done fundamental and irreversible damage to agricultural productivity — primarily through more pervasive and crippling global droughts, along with help from the development of herbicide - resistant and CGW - friendly «super weeds» and antibiotic - resistant livestock diseases — so that a return to cheap food, a requirement for a re-expansion of cheap labor, may be impossible.
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