Sentences with phrase «requires dynamic balance»

Not exact matches

«Safe utilization of dietary sugars requires dynamic control of redox balance
You'll continue with a series of exercises that challenge balance and require dynamic movement of all the joints in the kinetic chain.
It is much more dynamic and requires an ability to change direction rapidly to avoid rocks and roots, to jump and hurdle unexpected obstacles in the path, to use the arms much more dynamically for steering and balance, and to remain upright when it seems gravity and mother nature are trying their damnedest to bring you down.
By practicing these two actions, you'll create a physical imprint of the central dynamic that's required for the two arm balances in this sequence — producing the momentum to skillfully shift forward while maintaining the ability to put on the brakes before you go too far.
If you require this money in next 3 to 5 years, you may consider investing in a balance fund + MIP fund + Dynamic bond (debt) fund.
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