Sentences with phrase «requires extra calories»

Remember that staying warm requires extra calories.
This is because food requires extra calories to digest, absorb, and process the meal, which is called the thermic effect of food (TEF).
Nursing your baby is demanding and requires extra calories.
All that growing requires extra calories, so your baby may naturally feel the need to drink more.
Remember, we weren't talking about a fat loss routine here... we were talking about gaining muscle and getting bigger arms... so that is going to require some extra calories above your maintenance.
That means literally doing absolutely nothing all day — no moving around, no house work, no exercise and other activities, which all require extra calories.
Outdoor pets require extra calories to keep warm, so feed your pet according to its needs when the temperature drops.
It is intended for animals that require extra calories and vitamins in their diet.

Not exact matches

Starting pregnancy with a healthy weight requires expecting mothers to consume an extra 300 calories a day.
However, it's great to have your body burning the extra calories required to make your baby's milk.
Producing breast milk requires many extra calories — some 500 - 800 extra calories per day!
For those who are breastfeeding, a minimum of 500 extra calories is required.
This requires an extra energy expenditure of at least 500 calories per day.
It is always wise to consult a doctor and a dietitian when it comes to taking care of the extra calories that you require during pregnancy.
Breastfeeding requires an average of 500 extra calories per day.
In fact, the average breastfeeding mom requires an extra 200 calories per day.
As your baby grows, you may need from 500 - 800 extra calories per day to produce the required amount of milk, which is great for your weight loss efforts.
While new mothers are often preoccupied with losing the baby weight and are trying to reduce calories, breast - feeding requires at least an extra 500 calories per day.
Muscle growth requires additional calories, the same way you would need extra building material to add another floor to your house.
These work well if you require rehydration during an extended workout, but if you're going for just a couple of hours, then stick with water as you don't need the extra electrolytes and calories.
«Eating solid food that requires chewing, takes longer to eat, and adds more volume to your stomach will likely leave you feeling more full than a shake with the same calories and even the same macros,» says Health contributing nutrition editor Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD. «I have seen a lack of fullness from shakes that leads to nibbling on extras, which can result in eating more calories and not seeing results.»
However, if the initial growth response you attempted to create in those muscles was not strong enough to begin with, your body won't even require all of the extra calories you're eating in order to fully recover from the workout.
Ideally, we want something that is proven to work scientifically (i.e. restricts your calories), doesn't require any extra work, and is easy to stick to.
Pregnancy requires you to consume an extra 300 calories per day during your second and third trimesters.
Losing a pound requires burning an extra 3,500 calories.
If you train well and add ten pounds of muscle to your frame, your body will require an extra 600 calories per day in order to maintain your new bodyweight.
But it requires only 300 extra calories a day to nurture a developing fetus.
Let's assume that the couple of hours in the gym a day requires an extra 500 calories an hour, so I will need to increase my daily calories to 3500 a day if I am going to not lose weight.
Most of us only require about 1600 - 2100 calories on any given day, so that is quite a bit extra!
Weight train and gain muscle and your body will require more calories to support the extra muscle.
Because muscle requires more calories to maintain, the person with low muscle tone also has a lower metabolism and will likely have trouble dieting to get the extra fat off.
The extra calories burned in addition to those required for physical activity are collectively known as your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR), and they represent the calories that your body would have burned anyway, even if you had just been relaxing on the couch and not performing any physical activity.
The calculator above will take into account your pre-Pregnancy Calorie needs (based on age, height, and activity levels) and then add on the extra calories required for growing a healthy baby.
A baby in - utero requires the mother to burn at least 300 extra calories a day and breast - feeding can require as much as 500 extra calories.
A pregnant french bulldog requires lots of extra calories, water, and care.
The best nutritional plan is to buy a dog food approved for growth (i.e. puppy food) and feed according to the package; such diets are balanced and require no supplementation plus they typically have the extra Calories needed by the pregnant or nursing mother.
The amount of extra calories required will vary between 10 % and 90 % more than normal.
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