Sentences with phrase «requires fortitude»

Each of these steps requires your fortitude and courage.
It is the kind of work that requires fortitude, dedication, and an abundance of patience.
And yet, Chua has it right when she talks about teaching children to do anything, which includes, in my opinion, spiritual things: «This often requires fortitude on the part of the parents because the child will resist; things are always hardest at the beginning, which is where Western parents tend to give up.»
The day before the procedure, however, requires some fortitude.
It's a journey that requires fortitude, patience, understanding, and unbounded love.
Supporting Arsenal is not for the soft - hearted, it requires fortitude and an ability to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune (see Rasp — even Shakespeare believed in luck).
This requires the fortitude and willingness to allow one's business to shrink while deploying an unpopular strategy.»
Endurance weight training usually is completely foreign to regular weight training workouts, doing 100's it'll take you a few workouts building up your cardiovascular and muscular systems to build the required fortitude required to complete 100 reps without stopping.
Video games are certainly cognitively demanding and require fortitude in mental and perceptual skills like concentration, working memory, vision, problem solving, multitasking, and focusing one's attention.
Clearing the nation's inventory of short sales and foreclosures will require fortitude and business savvy.

Not exact matches

Not hard in the standard sense — sales requires emotional fortitude to survive the daily barrage of objections and quotas.
Not hard in the standard sense - sales requires emotional fortitude to survive the daily barrage of objections and quotas.
Clearly there is a disconnect, and as the legendary investor Sir John Templeton once said, «To buy when others are despondently selling and sell when others are greedily buying requires the greatest fortitude and pays the greatest ultimate rewards.»
Of course, many are called and few are chosen, so it was with a heavy heart that we bid farewell to Ashley Tisdale, who could not find within her the inner fortitude to ascend to the stratosphere of filmmaking courage required for this journey.
For sheer fatuity, on this score, it would be difficult to surpass Martin Kettle's pompous and platitudinous reflections in the Guardian, appearing two days after the earthquake: certainly, he argues, the arbitrariness of the destruction visited upon so many and such diverse victims must pose an insoluble conundrum for «creationists» everywhere» although he wonders, in concluding, whether his contemporaries are «too cowed» even to ask «if the God can exist that can do such things» (as if a public avowal of unbelief required any great reserves of fortitude in modern Britain).
Benedict XVI, speaking to a group of French intellectuals, insisted on the fortitude that this will require: «We must have the courage to remind our contemporaries what the person is and what humanity is.
If Blackpool are to avoid what would seem an inevitable drop, some steel and fortitude at the back are required.
This requires a lot of patience and emotional fortitude on the part of parents, so a big part of parenting calmly is actually taking care of yourself.
«This period requires more patience, fortitude, tolerance, endurance, patriotism and a greater willingness to make personal sacrifices for the good of all,» he said.
Thanks to «great teamwork» on the Town Board and the fortitude of Woodstock residents, the town had survived «a rough couple of years,» said the councilman, alluding to the fiscal crisis that loomed before the last local election, requiring painful budget cuts.
At its worst, online harassment can affect your ability to work, and it can require a great deal of emotional fortitude to continue, she adds.
It causes you to use full - range, multi-joint movements that require muscular coordination, speed and mental fortitude and provides a full - body workout that includes strengthening the muscles, tendons and ligaments in the wrists, elbow and shoulder girdle.
But since this blog is about developing inner strength, fortitude, self - respect and confidence, that's exactly what you're looking for; a workout that requires you to develop clear and strong focus, so you can workout intensely and see the immense health benefits of doing so.
The reputation business barely exists, so doing a 5 - year projection might require a little more fortitude than I'm willing to do at this point in time.
Horror games often require a certain kind of fortitude, whether you have to wade through disgustingly rendered entrails, tiptoe around unknowable beasts, or watch characters die in truly gruesome ways.
Imagine the fortitude required to make that request.
Though she is stranded only 200 yards from shore, survival proves to be the ultimate test of wills, requiring all of Nancy's ingenuity, resourcefulness, and fortitude.
DIRTY PRETTY THINGS requires nerves of steel and a fair bit of intestinal fortitude.
Such lifelong service requires great fortitude.
Not all videos may have the stamina and fortitude required to make the learning experience congruent enough to achieve the desired learning objectives seamlessly.
An important corollary to this last point is that district leaders need to summon the fortitude to make sometimes controversial decisions if principals of the neediest schools are to receive the resources and backing required for success.
If you truly require off - road fortitude, the 2015 Sprinter 4 × 4 will offer low - range transfer case gearing as an option.
This was a challenge for her — something very different and that required a lot of mental fortitude to get through.
Yet, as Sir John Templeton once advised: «To buy when others are despondently selling and to sell when others are avidly buying requires the greatest fortitude and pays the greatest ultimate reward.»
Retiring on time requires patience and persistence, along with the fortitude to invest steadily for up to 40 years.
Unfortunately, the asset classes that have historically produced outsized returns have also required more intestinal fortitude, at times, in order to reap a reward.
See, I entered into the ultimate risk short today that I'll describe further below, but want to emphasize that this probably isn't a prudent approach for most retail investors and requires the ability to short, a margin account, and intestinal fortitude.
Now, the fact that every game isn't Super Meat Boy hard, or Mega Man 9 hard, (which, as I've already explained, is not really hard; it just requires patience, fortitude, and an unbreakable will — there's a difference) is probably a good thing.
Because of the fortitude required to implement a clean energy project in a national business and legal environment inhospitable to decentralized energy production, the Intertribal COUP project won the World Clean Energy Award for «Courage.»
And even on non-Moon Festival days, it can be hard to find a pack of average - priced cookies or snacks that doesn't require Manchurian - like fortitude to get through layers of plastic.
Their fickle attention spans and casual attitudes were cited as signs that the generation did not in fact have the intestinal fortitude it would require to execute change, as opposed to just talking about it when it's the cool thing to do.As I prepare to travel to Copenhagen on Friday for the UN climate summit, I'm struck by how different an experience I've had as the executive director of the Energy Action Coalition, an alliance of more than 50 environmental groups run by young people, than the image that has been portrayed of my peers.
You'd like to drive an all - electric Tesla Model S but don't have the fortitude of wallet required to afford one?
That's the nature of business; it requires patience and fortitude.
Strive is something one attempts to do that requires tremendous effort and fortitude: I strive for perfection.
Doing so well requires significant stamina, patience, compassion, emotional fortitude and flexibility.
It might put pressure on our most cherished relationships and require great fortitude to overcome the painful sting that can come with extreme differences.
«Sales takes charisma, quick wit, hard work, and endurance, which all require fitness and mental fortitude,» Srivatsaa says.
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