Sentences with phrase «requires huge size»

However, we are now told that since there is a global economy, competition requires huge size since it is primarily with other global corporations rather that with other American ones.

Not exact matches

AMS / AV + would almost certainly be easier than STV, which would require huge constituencies for rural areas (and even under FPTP, there are inequalities in constituency membership because of the difficulties caused by excessive size), but then a whole new can of worms would be opened up concerning how to set the ratio between corrective «top - up» MPs, and constituency MPs, plus a whole load of other factors such as whether to allow dual standing, whether the two votes should be two choices or interconnected, whether the list should be open or closed, etc., etc..
Size: The size of the feeder can also be a huge factor when thinking about how much installation a feeder will requSize: The size of the feeder can also be a huge factor when thinking about how much installation a feeder will requsize of the feeder can also be a huge factor when thinking about how much installation a feeder will require.
Spotting these reactions requires a huge detector the size of a small office building, housed about a mile underground to shield it from cosmic rays that could yield false positive results.
Detecting antineutrinos requires a huge detector the size of a small office building, housed about a mile underground to shield it from cosmic rays that could yield false positive results.
The many elements required of any huge spectacle production of this size — action, characters, romance, conflict, visuals, humor, and design — all leave something to be desired.
Leos don't require a huge amount of living space, despite their size.
A huge coup for Sony was securing Final Fantasy VII that, at three discs in size, would have required, ooh, a billion N64 cartridges to house.
A huge laser delivers a large amount of energy in a short time to heat the walls of the larger chamber, and the radiation emitted from those walls in turn drives the small capsule to a very small size, increasing the density of the gases inside to much higher density than lead and heating it at the same time to very high temperatures required for fusion to occur.
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