Sentences with phrase «research backs me up»

For now though, if you see a probiotic — or a synbiotic — for sale at your local health - foods store, know that the existing research backing up its claims is limited.
Though that might sounds a bit harsh, some research backs it up.
Turns out, research backs up my approach.
It's true — research backs this up — but if you're among those whose limited acting skills can make putting this idea into action feel a bit, well, awkward (or even downright creepy), there is another option available.
Previous research backs this up.
A growing body of research backs up this claim.
A litany of social research backs up his remarks, Kenney added, pointing to a 1960s study by former U.S. senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan that warned about the consequences of the breakdown of the African - American family.
A 2010 review of research backed this up, adding that people with rapid weight loss early on were not more likely to gain back the pounds than people who lost weight gradually.
Research backs up why it's so important to get your daily recommended protein.
Wine Market Council research backs up Doering's insights about millennial's lifestyle.
Taking the pills dramatically improves outcomes (and research backs this up!)
Though doctors have hypothesized all along that it is pregnancy that changes women's breasts and not breastfeeding, recent research backs up this claim.
It's my intuition, and the research backs it up, that when infidelity occurs, it's not just the fault of the other person, the outsider, but I'm not so sure that's an insurmountable problem in tort law.
Though I found it hard to believe that what was in your mouth could have such profound impact on the rest of your body, I also understood that doctors would have said that with enough research backing it up.
The persistent idea in our culture is that certain foods in a mom's diet can cause gassiness, but according to Kelly Mom, no real research backs this up.
The Proof The plant is a centuries - old folk remedy for colic, and recent research backs up its effectiveness.
I love my midwives and they were totally open to alternative practices — of course a lot of them now have clinical research backing them up — chiropractors, acupuncturists, etc..
Research backs up regulatory approaches.
There seems to be only one logical time and, oddly, research backs it up.
Research backs up the assumption that teens want to control their own information online: A recent report by the Family Online Safety Institute found that 76 percent of teens are «very or somewhat concerned» about their online privacy.
Some other research backs up his claims.
Other research backs up his argument.
«So we weren't surprised to see the research back it up
And then the junk foods, the processed foods, are going to be in the center aisles, and they [these] are very, very, very long and the reason that they are very long is because the research shows that the more products you look at, the more you buy, and that is a rule of supermarkets that research backs up over and over and over again.
According to social neuroscientist Shelley Taylor of the University of California, Los Angeles, research backs up the idea that older people can put a positive spin on things — emotionally charged pictures, for example, and playing virtual games in which they risk the loss of money.
Now independent research backs up the claim.
In fact, of the more than 54,000 dietary supplements comprising the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database (an online encyclopedia of natural supplements), only about a third reportedly have research backing up their safety and efficacy.
Strange as this may seem, research backs it up.
Research backs up her advice: A 2014 study found that people who took in 30 grams of protein at each meal had 25 percent better muscle protein synthesis than those who ate 90 grams in a day in irregular portions (10 at breakfast, 15 at lunch and 65 at dinner).
And the model knows what she's talking about, because research backs up these and other health benefits of exercise.
Research backs up the idea that a woman's own body image can have a powerful impact on her kids: A 2014 Australian study revealed that sons and daughters of moms with a current or past eating disorder were more likely to engage in emotional eating and have symptoms of eating disorders than other kids.
And research backs up my personal experience with cycling food to improve cortisol.
Research backs up the decision to use visual tactics to encourage smoking cessation.
Most doctors have suggested seafood consumption for years and the research backs this up.
And research backs me up.
Other research backs this up, showing that people with low levels of omega - 3s may be at increased risk of anxiety and depression, likely because these fats help maintain function in areas of the brain responsible for regulating mood and emotion.
White wine — widely considered to be inferior to red wine, and the research backs it up; red wine contain 5 - 10 times more phenolic compounds than the average white.
Dr Klinghardt says «Sleep can rewire a broken brain» and research backs this up.
Do they work and are there any research backing this up.
I've known this for years but have only just seen research backing it up: Strength training can have the same function but only if it gets my heart rate up, which it doesn't always do.
And does any research back up any supps for this purpose?
Tendon Strengthening Exercises — There is a lot of research backing up eccentric training for both ME and LE in order to help strengthen the tendons.
As is the case with the other products so far, as this has been around for a while there is enough research backing up its claim of weight loss.
Clinical research backs this up.
Dr Perlmutter IS right and years of science and research back up his claims along with true testimonials from real people - have you even read the book??? like I said before people like you who are not willing to give up gluten carbs and sugars are going to be the first ones to come on here with skepticism and claims that this is just another «fad diet - «newsflash Will this is a lifestyle and the followers are not in a cult they are real people who want to take charge of their health and live to see their great grandchildren and still be sound in their minds its fine to have questions but to come on here and insult this fine doctor who has helped so many people throughout his career and has written a New York times best seller to educate and help so many more people just makes you sound absurd and immature - he is speaking the truth everything we've been told about nutrition is a lie to profit the wheat industry, doctors and pharmaceutical companies because as long as people keep eating the wrong foods and getting sicker and fatter they will all profit.
There seems to be a lot of research backing up the positive benefits of adequate fat intake, which is much more likely in a diet that emphasizes restricting carbs.
So it's been especially delightful to hear about the mounting research backing up the health benefits of chocolate.
At Cyber-Dating Expert, we've been coaching singles from college - age to baby boomers for years now, so we are pleased to see the research back up our own work.
Now that research backs up my intuition to fact, I'll be emailing the Wall Street Journal article en masse today.
Ullman says: «If we keep making curricular decisions that impact hundreds of thousands of kids, if we're making these decisions that impact huge groups of the school community based on assumptions, based on ideas with no actual research backing them up, based on fear — that's just curricularly - irresponsible.»
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