Sentences with phrase «research by»

This irresistible collection of cloned recipes is the product of years of obsessive research by self - confessed convenience - food addict Todd Wilbur.
Drawing on research by GlobalData, Eloise McLennan explores the key trends and opportunities...
New research by Zero Waste Scotland has revealed that nearly 1.35 million tonnes of food and drink was wasted in Scotland in 2013, a figure that will be used as a baseline for efforts to reduce food waste by a third by 2025.
What is more, the research by James Hunter and others has shown that the «strength» of evangelicalism is not as durable as it seems, as younger and more educated members of those churches are subjected to the powerful influences of the wider culture.
Recent research by the Polis Center in Indianapolis underscores the problem of generalizing about congregational resources.
BRC, there is no evidence?!?! what an uneducated statement, there are hundreds / thousands of books and studies, research by thousands of scientists, some christians some not... evolution is REAL... it's a proven theory and i would put that against your ONE book that was written when everyone thought the earth was flat.
Hilton concluded his research by stating that his research had found little to substantiate the fear that the electric church was draining money away from the local churches, though he also found little support for the broadcasters» contention that the broadcasters were generating money for the local church by building up the commitment of believers.
Research by Premier has revealed the distorted image has appeared on products available in the UK, including Eirdanous Halloumi with Basil.
Though the university never admitted discrimination by the school's then - dean and faculty, research by the Anti-Defamation League showed that 65 % of the Jewish students at that time either flunked out or were forced to repeat coursework — up to a year of it — in order to stay.
Research by the Education Policy Institute has found that just one in ten disadvantaged pupils in England score grade 7 - 9 (A-A * in old system) in GCSE maths.
Research by Premier earlier this year revealed that Bishop Sarah tweets more often than any other bishop with an average 165 tweets sent every month.
Research by the Christian Broadcasting Network indicates that most of their viewers regularly watch other religious programs as well.
Green's volume didn't earn him embraces from many official agencies, but subsequent research by others has backed his conclusions.
«Just like most of the earliest papyri of the New Testament and other literary and documentary papyri, a fragment this damaged could have come from an ancient garbage heap,» the King says building on prior research by Luijendijk.
Research by financial experts also say that large student loan payments can significantly hurt a young adult's ability to begin to accumulate wealth: «The median 2009 net worth for a household without outstanding student debt was $ 117,700, nearly three times the $ 42,800 worth in a household with outstanding student debt.»
- LIE — I have been quoting the actual studies that have been supported by decades of research by hundreds of thousands of experts.
According to research by Marketplace and Edison Research that was published in May, 71 percent of people believe that the U.S. economy is «rigged in favor of certain groups.»
«Megachurches are predominantly a phenomenon of the suburbs of very large cities,» said Thumma, who was assisted in the research by John Vaughan of Church Growth Today, Bolivar, Missouri.
Moreover, recent research by Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner has devastated the optimistic assumptions of modern developmental psychology which has set the terms for much modern educational theory (see Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences [Basic Books, 1983] and The Unschooled Mind: How Children Think and How Schools Should Teach [Basic Books, 1991]-RRB-.
Have you not been told that it was research by the WHO in the West that has got them promoting exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of a baby's life and continuous breastfeeding till thechild is two years old?
In a statement, the church acknowledged different beliefs held about Richard III: «Research by the Richard III Society with others has revealed new historical aspects which have reshaped understanding.
At the end of the introduction I was suggesting a possible direction of research by saying that the discourse of the philosopher on freedom which stays close to the kerygma, which makes itself homologous with it, is the discourse of religion within the limits of reason alone.
Professor Niles indicated that it was based on research by Meinhert Grumm.
Research by Dr Nicholas Hardy at the University of Birmingham found that French scholar Isaac Casaubon helped translate the Latin text into English.
If such an unimaginable project had been accomplished, then, as Lipstadt says, «one could legitimately expect a powerful force like «World Jewry» to have seen to it that no discrepancies were allowed to creep into research by Jewish scholars» and others; moreover, amidst the mountains of supposedly forged documents, surely the conspirators would have placed a paper with Hitler's signature beneath an order to exterminate Europe's Jews.
Dawidowicz contended that survey research by its very nature was inconsistent, could not accurately measure the extent or the intensity of anti-Semitism, and reflected the values and prejudices of the authors.
According to research by Marketplace and Edison Research that was published in May, 71 percent of people believe that the...
While research by Barna Group has found that women are more involved than men in church «extracurriculars» such as Bible studies and small groups, plenty of today's churches lack robust women's ministries — perhaps due to lack of resources, or deliberate efforts to do away with stereotypical ladies teas and craft bazaars.
Perhaps federal funding of research by faculty and departments affiliated with these programs, along with federal funding of scholarships etc. should be reviewed.
As research by Schumpeter, Langholm, and others has demonstrated, the notion that the scholastic justum pretium was to be determined by producer «status» does not reflect an accurate understanding of medieval teaching on economic justice.
Mintz does not refer at all to research by developmental psychologists such as Jay Belsky of London's Birkbeck College and Alan Sroufe of the University of Minnesota; nor does he cite the huge, multicenter National Institute of Child Health studies, all of which suggest that more than 20 hours per week of child care beginning before the age of one correlates with a higher incidence of interpersonal difficulties by early grade school.
Common perception has it that Millennial Christians are reluctant about sharing the Gospel, but new research by the Barna Group says that isn't rooted in reality.
Research by the Barna group in the United States of America in 2004 found that 49 % of Protestant pastors did not have a biblical worldview.
Tim Farron has responded to recent research by Premier Christian Communications on the place of Christianity in society today, saying believers should expect struggle and suffering because the Bible says so.
Not until the 1980s and»90s did archival research by biographers and analysis by philosophers of science uncover the manipulations of evidence, exploitation of patients and artful pseudoscience that were built into Freud's theoretical edifice.
Research by the Education Policy Institute has found that just one in ten disadvantaged pupils in England... More
Very few of the Catholic universities (with the exceptions of Notre Dame and Georgetown) are considered on the vanguard of any cutting edge research by leaders in the field, whether in biology, physics or astronomy.
Even large and solid social institutions like AMP, for example, identified this changing attitude towards institutions (in research by Hugh Mackay).
As women share decision making in marriages, it leads to happier and more stable marriages that experience less abuse (ethics) according to research by Prepare / Enrich.
But recent research by the libertarian Cato Institute found that «the chance of an American being murdered in a terrorist attack caused by a refugee is 1 in 3.64 billion per year.»
My quest for biblical womanhood led me to these stories late at night, long after Dan had gone to sleep, and I conducted my nightly research by his side in bed, stacks of Bibles and commentaries and legal pads threatening to swallow him should he roll over.
New research by the Centre for Social Justice revealed that more than 75 per cent of teenagers aspire to be married, but Rt Rev Mark Davies said the reality of married life today is bleak.
JULY 29, 2011 New research by Chinese scientists has thrown the winged Archaeopteryx — long thought to be the «original bird» — off the evolutionary pedestal as the case study for evolution from dinosaur to bird.
Research by the European Parliament has found 200 churches or Christian places of worship are attacked... More
The research by the Marriage Foundation found in the north - east of England and Wales, nearly 60 per cent of children were born to parents who were not married.
Research by the European Parliament has found 200 churches or Christian places of worship are attacked every month across the world.
Though the university never admitted discrimination by the school's then - dean and faculty, research by the Anti-Defamation League showed that 65 % of the Jewish students at that time either flunked out or were forced to repeat coursework - up to a year of it - in order to stay.
Highlights new research by Eesha Sharma which finds that when consumers are deciding among optional purchases, they're more likely to use credit to buy experiences.
The email indicates that early research by Exxon into CO2's contribution to climate change apparently was one reason the company put off exploring Natuna.
According to research by economist David Macdonald of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, they also benefit well - off people far more than the middle class or low - income people.
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