Sentences with phrase «research for many»

Most of the large evangelical broadcast organizations do use statistical research, but that use is limited largely to market research for the purpose of syndication and program planning.
He's a former director of research for Live Action, a pro-life group that specializes in undercover abortion clinic videos.
Tesco has worked with Cancer Research for more than ten years, raising hundreds of millions of pounds to help combat an illness that will affect one in three of the population...
They wrote «Joel Osteen is the senior pastor of one of the nation's largest churches, the 40,000 - member Lakewood Church in Dallas»,,,, Who does the research for these articles?
... My goal was not to gather research for critical commentary, but to fan the flames of my imagination.
All three of us owe a note of appreciation to those who have given financial support to our research for this book: Mr. Brown to Anderson College; Mr. James to the Knapp Fund; and Mr. Reeves to Tufts University.
Oh that is so very intelligent of you guys, insulting something you don't believe into and laughing at others and on the other hand are pending millions of dollars on research for something you atheists don't believe in.
Look at stem cell research for a fine example of how these peoples bronze age myths are causing harm today.
I'm so sorry, but you really shouldn't expect grown adults to have to accept your myths in this day and age just because you're too lazy to do the research for yourself.
I spent time and did a bit of research for my comments too - dammit!
As part of the research for this article, I compiled a simple anonymous survey.
DDavid Singer is Director of Research for the American Jewish Committee and Editor of the American Jewish Year Book.
Having worked in church and culture research for over a decade, I can tell you that one of the most - asked questions is about the category of Evangelicals.
It is hard to read because it contains a lot of the Scriptural backgrounds and exegetical research for what is written about in the other two books.
I graduated and went to work in Lancashire before returning to Imperial College to do research for a doctorate.
Do better research for your story.
Bioweapons research for 8 months.
Sadly, there are a lot of people who will believe this nonsense instead of doing the research for themselves.
It is called A la recherche du temps perdu (research for lost time).
A few years ago, when I was doing research for «Get the Hell Out of the Church,» I wanted to see what the scriptures said about spiritual authority.
The other avenue of thinking comes from Philip Lieberman, who has been working on this research for decades.
And I have hundreds of emails of the hard stories of women wounded by the church as part of my research for my book, and then someone was mean to me.
I had a librarian at Talbot School of Theology research this for several months, and it appears to be a mistaken quotation that dates back several hundred years to a Latin commentary on the Talmud.
Of course, one of the main problems is that there are many people who don't want to understand each other, or they feel they already understand the religious other because some book told them what others believed or some member of their religious community did all the research for them so they wouldn't have to do it themselves and told them what others believed.
Barth acknowledges man's research for God from below as the height of human endeavours.
Family history research for Mormons, as a result, is of sacred importance.
Research for this commentary was supported by the Middle East Forum Educational Fund.
When I was doing my research for A Year of Biblical Womanhood, I encountered the stay - at - home daughters movement within fundamentalist Christian circles.
To recall, my criticisms were based not so much on the substance of Dr. Podles» psychological or anthropological research but on the use of that research for the rest of his argument.
The Centre for Crime Prevention carried out research for England and Wales and demanded tougher punishments for offenders.
In many respects, research for this was a selfish enterprise for me.
As I was doing research for one of the books I'm writing, I stumbled across the statistic that the average pastor's salary in the United States is over...
She is a director of research for WHAT exactly?
Pursuing that intuition in research for four years proved, for me at least, liberating.
People have to do the research for themselves to find the answers they're looking for.
I am not normally willing to help people educate themselves who obviously are not willing to do the research for themselves.
to igaftr, the ongoing research for the existence of God in the University of Illinois is the use of a very fast and powerfull computer, The Nautilus, this research had proved that history has direction, and through exhaustve and objective analysis had shown that History is a reflection of His will.Its not very conclusive yet, but with the advent of a very powerfull quantum computer which is millions of times faster in the near future, they can go back farther in the past history in inputing datas.
A few years ago I conducted a survey of 350 people with sex and porn addiction as part of my research for my first book, Understanding and Treating Sex Addiction (Routledge).
I have a gigantic stack of books related to the research for my second book on the go already, too, but I'll share those at another time.
Actually that is 2 Corinthians rather than 1 Corinth, but maybe that was your plan to prevent us in the age of google to research for ourselves the context of the words given that you started mid-paragraph.
[Want to read some of the research for yourself?
As part of our research for Transformational Groups, we surveyed regular group attenders and non-group attenders about their daily spiritual lives — specifically, the time they spend outside of church and church - related activities.
There is, therefore, a certain irony, and perhaps even infidelity, in the attempt to pen a systematic, comprehensive presentation of Soloveitchik's thought, as Reuven Ziegler, director of research for the Toras HoRav Foundation, which holds Soloveitchik's manuscripts, does in Majesty and Humility.
Brooke Hempell, senior vice president of research for Barna, said: «This research really crystalizes what Barna has been tracking in our country as an ongoing shift away from Christianity as the basis for a shared worldview.
Ian Evison is coordinator of research for the Religion, Culture and Family Project at the University of Chicago Divinity School.
Arthur E. Farnsley II directs research for the Project on Religion and Urban Culture at the Polis Center at Indiana University - Purdue University in Indianapolis.
I know that Jesus, Paul and the apostles did it... But when I preach I try to keep it incontext and tell the people research for themselves.
Firstly, as someone who did genetic research for 8 years (for the USDA, 3 universities, and a private organization), it doesn't take 12 hours to get a DNA match.
In this episode of the First Things Podcast, new survey findings from Georgetown University's Center for Applied Research for the Apostolate update us on rates of ritual participation among American Catholics.
You can do research for the history yourself, don't take my word.
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