Sentences with phrase «research front»

And on the basic research front, scientists still have their work cut out for them.
Novak, Foy, and Charpentier began speaking with others at the CRISPR research front about starting a company.
The United States is not alone in grappling with difficult fiscal choices, but as seen in figure 4 (based on OECD data for select countries), others are increasingly doing better on the public research front.
Neuroeducation is a new and highly interdisciplinary research front and its objective is to improve learning by applying findings from brain research.
We also have guides, such as how to research front groups and uncover propaganda tactics, such as the use of the «third party technique,» as well as great insider tips for web researching.
It remains unspecified what the job description exactly is for someone helming Apple's AI research front, but as per Recode's observations, it'll most likely study the context behind questions that users ask Apple's voice - activated virtual assistant Siri.
Researching the front of house manager position with a specific company thoroughly will automatically result in you writing a resume that correlates with its mission and vision.
Making headlines on the medical research front were findings from a study by University of Sydney researchers that provide further evidence of the link between respiratory infections and heart attacks.
And on the basic research front, says William Snider, a neuroscientist at the Center for the Study of Nervous System Injury at Washington University in St. Louis, the results «are really going to broaden people's thinking about the functions of Bcl - 2 and its family members.»
On the research front, meanwhile, investigators are making some progress in grasping obesity's causes.
«The foundation's idea was to fund people with impeccable research credentials who were destined to be leaders on the research front and are also breaking new ground in teaching,» says Jack Pladziewicz, the organization's vice president.
It will set an ambitious and a bold plan for attacking this disease on the research front over the next eight to ten years.
In launching an unprecedented effort to improve school achievement and other youth outcomes by «scaling up» evidence - based programs, the Obama administration has given education a golden opportunity on the research front.
There's no argument on the research front about the simple — and obvious — fact that teacher effectiveness has a significant impact on student success, or that how well a new teacher is trained and supported during the first few years of teaching influences how effective he or she will become.
On the research front, we published summaries of three important research papers in December, all three of which have been popular with readers:
On the research front there are a number of studies underway or planned exploring better diagnostic techniques, improved treatments and the genetic aspects of cancer.
(Incidentally, on my research front, Corey Bradshaw and I are currently working on a new systematic analysis of the Australian temperature station -LSB-...]
Corporate departments have no less pain on the research front.
The Research Fronts and Hotspots on Nanotechnology Based on Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology
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