Sentences with phrase «research indicating»

It is not difficult to see how, once the idea of «baby food» in general became a common part of American infant feeding practices, experts could assume that when it came to fruits and vegetables, the more the better and (lacking substantial scientific research indicating otherwise) the earlier and «more scientifically produced» (industrially manufactured) the better.
«There are tremendous amounts of research indicating that the most reliable and comfortable environment in which to provide any intervention service is in the client's home,» Levenston states.
Although the number of fraternal twins is much high than identical twins, there is research indicating that the rate of identical twins is rising due to fertility treatments.
This study supports previous research indicating that planned home birth with qualified care providers can be a safe alternative for healthy lower risk women.
There is no evidence, no science - based research indicating that extended breastfeeding is detrimental to a child.
This is the definition I will address here, and, as we will see, there is a large body of research indicating that sensitive, responsive parenting benefits children.
There is a substantial amount of research indicating that attachment patterns are set in early childhood and persist throughout our lives.
This is consistent with sociological research indicating work as a respite from stressful home life.
A study from 2010 acknowledged, yes, «in the short - term, kids go through a one - to two - year crisis period when their parents divorce,» but the idea of staying together for the kids is problematic, especially if it's a high - conflict family, and that previous research indicating people should stay together «has been plagued by many data problems — reliance on small samples derived from one therapy clinic, retrospective reports, and cross sectional data.»
There's even some research indicating that delaying the introduction of potentially allergenic foods (eggs, milk, peanut butter, tree nuts, or fish) beyond 6 months of age may actually increase the potential of developing an allergy later in childhood.
At this time, there is no known research indicating any connection between progestin intake by a breastfeeding mom negatively impacting a baby or toddler.
While there is no research indicating their effectiveness, it certainly won't do any harm.
But as a natural skeptic, I also decided to read all of the research indicating that some of these purported long - term benefits, such as higher IQs and immunity against various health issues, were inflated by well - meaning public health experts.
In 2010, the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry published research indicating that blueberry consumption improved cognitive function and memory performance in older adults.
David, I hear your concern about what I have shared with having listened to women and what Carol has said about research indicating pointing to the alpha male and beta female.
In 2010, Nebraska became the first to ban nonemergency abortions after 20 weeks, based on research indicating that's when fetuses start to feel pain.
Parents deposit their two - and three - year - olds for hours at a variety of day - care centers despite voluminous research indicating that there are no «good» child - care arrangements for children of this age other than parental care.
Cloud Security is key for the company, with Auty's research indicating a strengthening competitive position, he said.
There is extensive academic research indicating that when government debt rises above 90 percent of GDP for more than five years, this trend will reduce the economy's growth rate by a third.
In this vein, JPMorgan recently published research indicating that 10 - year Treasury yields below 5 %, even in a rising interest rate environment, have historically correlated to rising stock prices.
Today, we release research indicating that, in general, college - educated millennials with student debt have to save for 10 years to afford a 20 % down payment, compared to 5 years for those without debt.
Andy says there isn't any academic research indicating ETFs have had a negative effect on the market.
The Committee for Perth has added to the debate over Perth's public transport system by releasing research indicating light rail systems attract more passengers, have lower running costs, and travel faster than rapid bus systems.
The announcement comes on the heels of research indicating that after 13 years of declines, U.S. visitation to Canada is set to rebound this year.
In states lacking non-discrimination policies for LGBT people, gay men tend to be penalized most, Klawitter's research indicates, with gay men in same - sex couples earning about 30 percent less than their counterparts in opposite - sex couples.
Research indicates that the new, smaller funds that women tend to raise and the female - founded companies that women GPs tend to back are outperforming the rest of the market.
A growing body of research indicates that women, when given a fair shot, are better at high - growth entrepreneurship than men.
«Research indicates 50 % of U.S. homes will have a 4K TV or monitor within the next 5 years,» Klimscha says.
Well, research indicates that certain environmental and cultural factors within a company could affect employees» (and an entrepreneur's) sleep, for better or worse.
Kelleher said, «A company is stronger if it is bound by love rather than by fear,» and Gallup's research indicates he was right.
Research indicates that same - day delivery market in the United States will be a nearly $ 1 billion industry by 2019, so on - demand will soon become the norm.
«Research indicates that companies with more women in senior management have higher returns on capital, lower volatility, greater client focus, increased innovation and greater long - term orientation,» Krawcheck says on the webiste promoting the funds.
Reams of research indicates a quick cat nap of 20 - minutes or so can seriously boost your productivity.
This research indicates that the difference in earnings between a woman and man who both graduated from the same university and who, one year after graduation, both work the same field and have identical jobs (in terms of occupation, sector and hours) is about 7 %.
Many of us routinely commit, participate in and enable fraud, Murphy's research indicates.
Kilduff has been studying the topic for years, and his research indicates that rivalries typically develop when competitors are similar (in age, demographic etc.), they compete against one another frequently and their skillsets are evenly matched.
Most research indicates that the people who live longest and stay healthy tend to eat a largely plant - based pescatarian diet that's relatively low in protein.
Scientific research indicates that the benefits of reading go far beyond learning particular facts or insights.
Research indicates that few searchers venture beyond the first 30.
According to the TD report, recent research indicates that boys demonstrate more confidence in math and more voluntary participation in high school and university math classes, implying that more effective methods of «developing numeracy skills and confidence» in young girls are needed.
Research indicates that diversity can help you recruit top talent.
«Everybody thinks they do, because it's a sexy thing to say,» says Ennis, «but all the research indicates that most folks crash and burn.»
Research indicates that daydreaming facilitates the ability to connect observations and pieces of information.
«Our research indicates they can end up having a similar effect to an in - group in high school that others aspire to join,» Dahl says.
Knowing as much as possible about your leads in the earliest stages will help you nurture them effectively, and research indicates that nurtured leads generally produce a 20 percent increase in sales opportunities compared with non-nurtured leads.
According to Max Read, «Research indicates that when memory is first recorded in the brain — in the hippocampus, to be specific — it's still «fragile» and easily forgotten, especially if the brain is asked to memorize more things.
A large and growing body of research indicates that the right mix of praise (read: more praise, less criticism) has a demonstrable positive effect on the performance of the individual and the team.
It's difficult to place exact figures on how many people experience lucid dreams or how often they experience them, but some research indicates that more than 20 percent of people have one or more lucid dream per month.
Our research indicates food trucks are here to stay - they simply offer too much customer value not to win in the long run.
A wealth of research indicates best friends create value for people throughout their lives.
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