Sentences with phrase «research infrastructure which» is a national biomedical research infrastructure which aims at promoting national and international collaborative research projects using human samples, and the respective detailed clinical information commits to:

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«This incident has really contributed to changing the strategic environment in which these key pipeline infrastructure decisions are going to be made,» says Mark McClelland, head of North American research for risk - analysis firm Maplecroft.
It looks at five «input» categories: institutions, human capital and research, infrastructure, market sophistication and business sophistication, and «outputs,» which are categorized as either knowledge and technology or creative outputs.
The research, which the US military helped pay for, found wave - driven overwash could devastate infrastructure and contaminate the «freshwater availability» on these islands with saltwater.
Egli added that he, along with the Hyperloop Advanced Research Partnership, which he serves as president, is advocating for President Donald Trump to include hyperloop funding in his proposed $ 1 trillion infrastructure plan.
Canadian universities play an important role helping to build the infrastructure for an innovation economy, which is why they receive most of the yearly $ 12 - billion (Canadian) invested in postsecondary research and development.
Support for research is not a typical use for development assistance, most of which is typically targeted to meeting short - and long - term needs like famine relief, health, education, infrastructure or other similar national priorities.
Still, she said, there's plenty ahead for the industry, which lacks academic research on growing conditions and infrastructure issues due to decades of federal regulation.
An infrastructure of union shop stewards, academics, the «peace movement», union - financed research and constituency activists which had sustained Labour's left in the early 1980s — and almost won the deputy leadership for Tony Benn — had all but disappeared over the following decades.
He uses the example of CFI, an independent not - for - profit corporation established by the government in 1997, which has already given away CA$ 3 billion and «has enough money to keep giving away funding for research infrastructure for many, many years.»
In addition, joining an established lab would offer full access to cutting - edge shared resources, infrastructure, and expert lab staff, which are vital for innovative research yet would have been hard to obtain rapidly if I were striking out on my own to establish an independent lab.
Sadly, Republicans in the House passed the Ryan budget, which will slash about $ 800 billion in investment in education and skills training, science and technology research and development, and transportation infrastructure between 2013 and 2022.
This impetus to improve the higher learning institutes is one slice of a pie composed of three federal initiatives, which will support research and development, student funding, and university infrastructure.
The findings, published in Environmental Research Letters, highlight the importance of heat - mitigation strategies and infrastructures such as green roofs — in which vegetation transfers moisture from the earth to the atmosphere by evaporation of water and transpiration from plants.
«China is achieving a dramatic amount of synergy by increasing its investment in science and engineering education, in research, and in infrastructure, which is attracting scientists from all over the world,» NSF Director Arden Bement said this morning at a rollout of the 2010 Indicators.
We need a global research system, in which every country, developed or developing, must contribute to a central fund that seeks to establish research infrastructure across the globe.
«Without shared experimental infrastructure, researchers have to spend lots of money developing their own experimental infrastructure which takes away from their core research,» said Laura Tinnel, a senior research engineer at SRI International and one of the study's authors.
I believe that the current system, in which research is mostly funded and organized at the national level, along with the uneven nature of research infrastructure, is greatest barrier to global scientific collaboration.
Security — Protecting against criminal activity of various kinds — hacking, fraud, DDOS attacks and so on — will increase in importance as the volumes of research data continue to grow, along with the sources from which it is drawn, and as the research data infrastructure grows in complexity.
M.G. - Q.: [Regional Policy] Commissioner [Johannes] Hahn has a large pot of money for research infrastructure, which he wants to use to help build this stairway to excellence that we talk about.
Yet China and Iran, both of which took part in the working group, are currently building the most heavily censored online infrastructures anywhere in the world, according to recent research from the OpenNet Initiative, which monitors internet filtering and surveillance by governments.
The National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy — which supports major research infrastructure like telescopes and high - end computing facilities — survives, but will receive AU$ 150 million following the expiration of existing Research Infrastructure Strategy — which supports major research infrastructure like telescopes and high - end computing facilities — survives, but will receive AU$ 150 million following the expiration of exiInfrastructure Strategy — which supports major research infrastructure like telescopes and high - end computing facilities — survives, but will receive AU$ 150 million following the expiration of existing research infrastructure like telescopes and high - end computing facilities — survives, but will receive AU$ 150 million following the expiration of exiinfrastructure like telescopes and high - end computing facilities — survives, but will receive AU$ 150 million following the expiration of existing funding.
Sandia's facilities will develop and test innovative infrastructure technologies to accelerate market readiness, drawing upon Sandia's broader hydrogen program, which includes research on storage, delivery, production, systems analysis and safety, codes and standards.
But the source also acknowledged that any proposal to slash the rates would run into fierce opposition from universities, which argue that indirect costs are vital for maintaining high - quality research infrastructure and that they are already subsidizing the true cost of running a research lab.
All of which will be used to start to rebuild the infrastructure on Cayo and which was purchased using geneous donations from the National Primate Research Centers and from the BRBLF.
IDMIT is an infrastructure for preclinical research in infectious diseases and immunology which is certified ISO9001 and which includes 1) A large animal facility with capacity to host NHP in BSL2 and BSL3 containment, 2) State - of - the - art laboratories for cell biology, immunology, molecular biology, flow cytometry and mass cytometry (CyTof), cell - sorting and confocal microscopy in BSL3 containment; 3) A biological resources centre with high storage capacity; 4) Highly innovative technologies for in vivo imaging of large animals in BSL2 and BSL3 containment, including a two - photon microscope, a PET - CT facility, and several optic based technologies (fibered endo - microscopy, near infra - red imaging).
The Hellman Family Foundation Alzheimer's Research Program at Gladstone, which operates in collaboration with the Memory and Aging Center at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), leverages infrastructure, resources and research from Gladstone's existing Taube - Koret Center for Huntington's Disease RResearch Program at Gladstone, which operates in collaboration with the Memory and Aging Center at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), leverages infrastructure, resources and research from Gladstone's existing Taube - Koret Center for Huntington's Disease Rresearch from Gladstone's existing Taube - Koret Center for Huntington's Disease ResearchResearch.
The INFRAFRONTIER project was one of six research infrastructure projects for biomedical research that was included in the first ESFRI Roadmap in 2006, which lists pan-European initiatives recommended for implementation.
Services currently offered: We offer contract research based on the well - characterised animal models and infrastructure described above, which has been used in several EU projects.
And, in those areas to which we commit, we assemble the best scientists in the world, give them sufficient resources to take chances and conduct the hard experiments, create the best infrastructure to support their research, and explore creative models to help discoveries get one step closer to improving human lives.
BioMedBridges is a joint project of twelve biomedical sciences research infrastructures on the ESFRI roadmap, which aims at ensuring that European life scientists have seamless and secure access to the data needed to conduct cutting - edge research.
The course is organized by the Microscopy Centre - Core Facility for Light Microscopy & Core Facility for Electron Microscopy, which are supported from the program for large research infrastructures of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports within the project «National Infrastructure for Biological and Medical Imaging (Czech - BioImaging — LM2015062) ``.
Each network would be supported by an analytic partner, such as a university or contract research firm, which would convene the network and provide the analytic infrastructure.
The Dean's Venture Fund enabled the lab to create an organizational infrastructure and strategic plan to focus its advocacy, field work, research, and network building, which have generated additional funding.
Our approach to achieving this goal focuses on three objectives: (1) to develop a reliable, predictive panel of biomarkers (including both biological and bio-behavioral measures) that can identify children, youth, and parents showing evidence of toxic stress, and that can be collected in pediatric primary care settings; (2) to conduct basic, animal and human research on critical periods in development and individual differences in stress susceptibility, thereby informing the timing and design of a suite of new interventions that address the roots of stress - related diseases early in the life cycle; and (3) to build a strong, community - based infrastructure through which scientists, practitioners, parents, and community leaders can apply new scientific insights and innovative measures to the development of more effective interventions in the first three postnatal years.
We also conduct research and analysis on a variety of policies that affect talent supply and infrastructure and shape the context in which education leaders do their work — including school leadership, school governance, and accountability.
Each recommendation included the definition of a category of reference (research or policy recommendation), the list of end users, a description of the recommendation (what), the explanation of its importance (why), the way in which the recommendation could be implemented, taking into account feasibility and existing infrastructures at the EU and national level.
When I get back, I'll be pushing ahead with a lot of new things — the basic corporate infrastructure is in place now, which means I'm free to add the dozens of scripts, enemies and hackable systems that make up the game's more complex settings, like research and development labs, or giant hollow industrial warehouses.
Earlier this year, Holten participated in a six - week research residency at A Studio in the Woods (ASITW) in New Orleans, during which time she studied the city's infrastructure, focusing specifically on the intersection of architecture and ecology.
With the $ 500,000 Mellon grant received in 2013, the museum expanded its curatorial team, hiring a project manager for digital archives to oversee the initiative, which includes research and infrastructure development to content creation and dissemination.
It has world - class institutions of higher education and a well - developed infrastructure for research and development, which results in high levels of patents registration.
This can only be achieved with dedicated infrastructures to dynamically process massive information and to perform retrospective - analyses which will be essential key instruments for breakthroughs, and to stimulate multidisciplinary Earth system research and applications in marine and climate sciences.
This program follows the first Fulbright Arctic Initiative (2015 — 2017), which was a new multidisciplinary and multinational team research program designed around specific applied research challenges in the areas of water, energy, and health and infrastructure.
The official ceremony was followed by a workshop in which the DKRZ users presented their current research projects and discussed with the DKRZ team their requirements in terms of infrastructure and services of the DKRZ.
The «business as usual» scenario outlined in the «Risky Business» research also includes extreme sea - level rise, which will flood the water supply and delivery infrastructure.
This will begin the process of identifying the infrastructure needs for building out commercial - scale sites, including the optimal shipping needs for installing turbines, efficient methods of maintenance, and developing turbine manufacturing facilities, all of which will require testing and potentially more research.
The Climate Data Store (CDS) at the heart of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) infrastructure, will be presented by Baudouin Raoult, principal software architect and strategist at the European Centre for Medium - Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), at a workshop on 22nd Sept in Paris the focus of which will be to discuss trends of the current global landscape of e-Infrastructures for environmental data management and exploitation to enhance collaboration on a global level in support of sharing research and public sector data.
Researchers of a new study published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters on Aug. 4 said that the military camp's infrastructure, which include the remaining biological, radioactive and chemical wastes, could re-enter the environment and disrupt nearby ecosystem because of climate change.
The World Community Grid is a philanthropic initiative of IBM, which operates on the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) software to provide computational power to scientists who may not be able to afford high speed computing for their research.
As a result, the necessary infrastructure of legal research and related support services, and operating legal offices, and management know - how and experience, by which the government could share management of the monopoly over the provision of legal services with law societies, already exists.
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