Sentences with phrase «research on this question»

In most research on the question of whether and how breastfeeding might protect against excessive weight gain, the focus has been on the components of breast milk.
Most applicants prepare their presentation, do research on the questions asked by the employer and try to find the best answers to them.
These grants are meant to build capacity in the research field to focus research on questions that have direct implications for child care policy decision - making and program administration.
Despite arguments about the effect of collective bargaining contracts on student achievement, research on the question remains «limited, ambiguous, and incomplete,» a report says.
It's hard to say — since, again, there's no good research on that question.
Scientific research on the question is limited, but it has found some risks.
In the last decade, research on these questions grew more robust.
As the new generation of supposedly more rigorous Common Core — aligned tests gain hold, it will be important to do additional research on these questions.
I believe they actually did a bunch of market research on that question before creating him.
Social scientists have been guided by the Weberian perspective in conducting research on these questions, and their research, in turn, has begun to reshape our understanding of the Weberian perspective.
We hope our data and the theory we've outlined in these papers will stimulate discussion and further research on questions relevant to the origins of life.»
The National Academy of Science's new science museum is intended to highlight research on questions relevant to the general public in their everyday lives.
She is based in New York, and currently working, among other projects, on a longterm research on the question of materializing systems of cognition.
A 2015 study in Nature Climate Change found that the Pacific Ocean may careen between extreme states — from an intense El Niño to a monster La Niña — by the end of the century, but more research on the question still needs to be done.
An international team of researchers including Loukas Balafoutas (University of Innsbruck), Nikos Nikiforakis (NYU Abu Dhabi) and Bettina Rockenbach (University of Cologne) has conducted pioneering research on the question of how people punish strangers for norm violating behavior.
While past research on the question has been mixed, a new study by Defense and Veterans Affairs researchers suggests that women in the military are at no greater risk than men for developing posttraumatic stress disorder, given similar experiences — including combat.
These potential benefits led GCC science teachers to conduct school - based action research on the question: How successful is a peer mentoring program at supporting learning, classroom relationships and future study in STEM fields?
My hope is this work spurs future research on this question to help guide policy in a positive direction,» says Lovenheim.
In 2005, I conducted original research on a question that, to my mind, had not been satisfactorily examined.
Although research on the question remains at a formative stage, private schools tend to focus on molding student character by fostering grit, conscientiousness, and tolerance of others.
Two recent studies in particular, one in San Francisco and the other in Portland, are the more methodologically rigorous of the frequently cited research on this question.
The Capstone Project is a two - semester prepare in which understudies seek after autonomous research on a question or issue of their decision, draw in with the academic level headed discussions in the significant orders, and - with the direction of a personnel tutor - create a generous paper that mirrors a profound comprehension of the subject.
Only a few answered my call for home research on the question: Can you tell time by the shape of a pussycat's eyes?Four people responded out of the thousands of cat buddies on the Space Coast, which is outrageous.
Still, the study's large sample size and systematic, controlled approach will yield data that could fuel research on questions that go well beyond cancer, he said - such as whether goldens in some geographic regions or with certain traits, like size or coat color, are more or less likely to have particular conditions.
In their follow up book, The Body By Science Question and Answer Book, McGuff and Little do suggest the possibility that type - I muscle fibers may need more frequent training to maintain their condition than do type - II fibres, and they'd like to do further research on that question.
Adriana Ramić is based in New York City, and currently working, among other projects, on a longterm research on the question of materializing systems of cognition and chronologies.
The Laura and John Arnold Foundation is currently funding more research on this question, and I'm eager to see what we find, especially with regards to income gains over time.
Do research on question 3.
My current «Calvinism» series is a filler while I do reading and research on these questions you have raised.
In the Neurodevelopmental Laboratory on Addictions and Mental Health, she has focused her research on questions regarding the initiation and perpetuation of substance use and abuse during adolescence.
We didn't really have a concise conclusion then but I literarily to it on to conduct some research on this question.
In two recent examples of research on this question, Anna J. Egalite finds extremely small statistically significant positive effects of private vouchers on public school performance in «The Competitive Effects of the Louisiana Scholarship Program on Public School Performance.»
Alex has been asked to do a piece of research on a question that is so open ended she knows that getting a comprehensive answer is an exercise in hopelessness and will take a mountain of boring hours of work.
I did some more research on this question.
It may or may not have resulted in better quality legal advice — there is no research on that question — but there is evidence that customers have better experiences and are happier.
«If this is the case, pill use will have implications for both current and future generations, and we hope that our review will stimulate further research on this question,» Lummaa said.
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