Sentences with phrase «research providers begin»

«Until legal research providers begin to open up their black boxes and adopt more Algorithmic Accountability, researchers will need to expand our own legal information literacy with a better understanding of how each database compiles, categorizes, indexes, searches, and prioritizes the results.»

Not exact matches

In trying to provide investors with information that «is not in the current stock price» and therefore giving them an «edge», many Wall Street, and independent investment research providers have begun focusing on such areas as «forensic» accounting, «channel checking», public policy analysis, «lie detection» on conference calls, data mining and «expert» networking.
I began sending multiple - page educational reports to their providers, complete with footnotes and research articles.
I began researching different course providers and Blossom and Berry stood out to me because there was something so personal about it and the ethos of the company really resonated with me.
At the Gladstone Lipid Clinic, which began as a resource for GICD, he provides patient care and teaches healthcare providers and community members about research related to blood lipid (cholesterol) disorders and preventing coronary heart disease (CHD).
«Our research suggests that a number of health care providers already have voluntarily begun to change their prescribing and dispensing practices in ways that may be reducing the supply of scheduled prescriptions in communities,» the researchers said.
In my experience, the level of knowledge can vary widely from practitioner to practitioner, so I would personally do some additional research and / or interview the provider before beginning a protocol.
The agreement to provide the Wolters Kluwer content extends a partnership that began when Fastcase purchased legal research provider Loislaw from Wolters Kluwer in 2015, but this agreement includes titles that were not available for sale in Loislaw.
Perhaps you are looking for a new provider, or you have just begun researching the types of insurance you need for your business.
As such, when you decide that Garland cleaning services will offer the benefits that you need, you can begin to research the choices that are offered to you so that the best provider can be chosen.
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