Sentences with phrase «researchers cut calorie»

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16 Cutting saturated fat intake to the recommended 10 percent of your calories will prolong your life, but only by a few months at most, researchers found.
Researchers have known for decades that drastically cutting calories can help animals live longer, although exactly why is uncertain.
This organ protection was superior to what the researchers have seen with calorie restriction, suggesting that just cutting protein is even better — or that doing both at once might be best of all.
Other researchers have previously demonstrated that cutting protein may be at least as important as cutting calories (SN: 4/5/14, p. 6).
But as researchers delve into the mechanism behind caloric restriction, some are beginning to question whether cutting calories alone can really lengthen life span.
Artificial sweeteners help individuals with obesity to cut calories and lose weight but may have negative health effects, according to researchers at York University's Faculty of Health.
The researchers showed that women who cut calories became more sensitive to the blood sugar — regulating hormone insulin and had a drop in the inflammation - associated molecule C - reactive protein.
In a recent study in the International Journal of Obesity, researchers found that obese adults who ate three servings of fat - free yogurt a day as part of a reduced - calorie diet lost 22 % more weight and 61 % more body fat than those who just cut calories.
«Whenever you cut calories, your metabolism slows down, often by more than you'd expect,» says Kevin Hall, PhD, an obesity researcher at the National Institutes of Health.
The latest salvo in Macro-Nutrient Land is the Calorie Restriction Diet, inspired by animal experiments in which mice, guppies, water fleas, yeast, spiders, Labrador retrievers, a microscopic water invertebrate called the rotifer, and rhesus monkeys are said to live longer on diets that restrict caloric intake.13 Researchers are encouraged by the longevity of a single monkey who has reached 38 years on a diet in which the portion of monkey chow — dried compressed pellets of wheat, corn, soybean, alfalfa, fish and brewer's yeast — has been cut by 30 percent compared to controls.
Researchers were able to cut people's caloric intake nearly in half, from 3000 calories a day down to 1570 without cutting portions, just by substituting less calorie dense foods, which means lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans, compared to a high energy density meal with lots of meat and sugar.
With rudimentary laboratories, one could argue that more was accomplished with regards to the effect of diet on cancer in the former half of the century, as revolutionary researchers like Tannenbaum, Rous, and their colleagues provided us with dozens of animal studies linking diet and cancer by exposing mice to free radical - laden vegetable oils.32, 33 Several decades later, two other researchers, Dayton and Pearce, provided one of the few studies revealing what happens when we give humans vegetable oils and their accompanying free radicals when they randomized men to a corn oil solution and a similar rise in cancer followed.34 It is no surprise that corn oil is often used in animal studies to cause cancer, as the ingestion of damaging free radicals predictably hastens cancer development.35 Furthermore, these scientists were the first to show that fasting, restricting calories, and cutting carbohydrates could lower the chance of cancer in animals exposed to dangerous chemicals and carcinogens.
If you are interested in exploring using diet to extend your lifespan, then Dr. Rosedale's diet, which is even more carb - restrictive, has been shown to mimic the biological effects of calorie restriction — which most notably includes an extended life span, as revealed by researchers such as Cynthia Kenyon — without actually cutting calories per se.
In 2008, the journal «Nutrition & Metabolism» published a study in which researchers compared fat loss in overweight subjects who cut 500 calories daily and drank either two protein shakes per day or two low - protein control beverages per day.
Researchers found that when people ate a whole bagel cut into small pieces for breakfast, they consumed 25 percent fewer calories at lunch compared to those who ate the same bagel whole.
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