Sentences with phrase «researchers even plan»

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Even worse, researchers found more than half of borrowers in default would qualify for an income - driven repayment plan that would significantly reduce their monthly payments.
Researchers who plan to do a lot of single - cell RNA analysis can even buy complete systems for it right off the shelf.
In a nutshell, here's how the model works, based on a general description provided by the Center for Open Science's (COS's) Open Science Framework (OSF): Before researchers even begin the experiments, they submit a manuscript presenting a clear hypothesis that they plan to test and their proposed experimental methods and analyses.
Researchers are now planning and building a next generation of even bigger and more isolated detectors deep beneath the ground where hundreds of meters of overlying rock shield against most anthropogenic noises and seismic stresses.
Carnegie Mellon University researchers have calculated that the U.S. can meet — or even beat — the near - term carbon dioxide emission reductions required by the United Nations Paris Agreement, despite the Trump Administration's withdrawal of the Clean Power Plan (CPP).
«Even without the clean power plan, US can achieve Paris Agreement emissions reductions: Researchers point out that there are many paths to compliance.»
Even if the so - called Clean Power Plan survives the legal gantlet, however, the United States will still fall short in meeting its pledged reductions for 2025 without significant additional efforts, according to researchers at the federal government's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, California.
If everything goes according to plan, data from the US probe will help researchers track large natural sources and sinks of CO2, such as oceans and forests, and perhaps some manmade sources, such as sprawling urban areas or even large power plants.
The researchers now plan to test this type of insulin in other animal models and are also working on tweaking the chemical composition of the insulin to make it even more responsive to blood - glucose levels.
«Uterine - conserving therapy should be an available option for women even if there is no plan for childbearing,» says Dr. Stewart, a uterine fibroid researcher.
Researchers can transform the lab from a large, open - plan office to a cluster of 6 apartments or 12 hotel rooms, where study participants might live for weeks or even months.
Soviet researchers also planned to keep the base operating year - round, even in the deep cold and dark of winter.
The researchers believe identifying possible genetic mutations behind sudden death could help doctors and family members plan for clinical follow - ups, preventative measures and active surveillance to watch for symptoms — even in cases where the mutation was just a «speculative» cause of death.
Researchers who spend part of their career abroad — even if it's just a few hundred kilometers from home — can find themselves paying into a variety of supplemental plans, often resulting in lower benefits than they would enjoy if they just stayed put.
Even better, the researchers say, would be if urban hospitals conducted their own data - driven planning.
«Medicare's current plan to increase penalties through the HAC Reduction Program does not address these concerns, and may in fact exacerbate the problem since hospitals with high HAC rates will face even greater financial pressure to engage in upcoding,» the researchers write.
For example, the researchers found many instances where the comprehensive plans included tax incentive policies to stimulate economic development in hazardous areas even though the local hazard mitigation plans identified the same areas as experiencing severe repetitive losses from hazard events and qualifying for federal funds for buyouts.
The researchers plan to spend the next five years fine - tuning their research and identifying even more effective compounds that inhibit fungal glucosylceramide.
Even before the NICHD meeting, the international community of placenta researchers had begun to coordinate their efforts by planning a website that will list existing placenta biobanks and help match collaborators.
Even though the plan was not approved, engineers and researchers at the Royal Greenwich Observatory in Cambridge were warned last week that the Royal Observatory at Edinburgh is the preferred site for the centre.
The bleak outlook seems even more so in the wake of this month's announcements by Pfizer of plans to reduce research and development spending by as much as US$ 2 billion and to lay off hundreds of researchers (see'Pfizer slashes R&D»).
The lifelike results of the most recent simulations have surprised even the researchers, a joint team from the university and SIAS, a transport planning consultancy based in Edinburgh.
Researchers have even found that people on a long term cardio plan actually GAIN weight instead of losing it.
In such schools, researchers say, «even the most knowledgeable teachers are asked to set aside their lesson plans and materials to teach to the TAAS.»
Even worse, researchers found more than half of borrowers in default would qualify for an income - driven repayment plan that would significantly reduce their monthly payments.
Kert Davies, a former Greenpeace researcher and founder of CIC, said: «We now have evidence through the Willie Soon documents that ExxonMobil, Southern Company and the American Petroleum Institute, who were in the room in 1998, carried on with elements of the plan, even after it was leaked and on the front page of the New York Times.
The study is an extension of earlier research by Professor Jacobson at Stanford: he has presented a master plan for renewable energy for all 50 US states, and along with other researchers presented detailed arguments for the most efficient use of wind power, and even proposed that as a bonus wind turbines could sap the ferocity of hurricanes.
Excerpt follows: ----------- Reuters, 5 May 2009 — China is set to smash its target for a roll - out of solar power by 2020 more than fivefold and possibly even tenfold, a researcher with the National Development and Reform Commission, the economic planning ministry, said on Tuesday.
And while the Harvard researchers plan to repeat their measurements with data from 2012, even these updated estimates may overstate current emissions.
Instead, it should highlight the possibilities for future empirical legal writing scholarship and offer enough of an introduction to inspire new empirical researchers.1 Even if you do not plan to conduct your own empirical research, this Article should make you a more informed consumer of empirical scholarship.
As the cloud's buckets become even partially filled, the researcher can begin planning the written analysis.
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