Sentences with phrase «researchers measured variables»

For the study, the researchers measured variables of grief including hopelessness, sadness and loneliness as well as depression and PTSD.

Not exact matches

Then the researchers examined the acoustic data, measured in decibels of energy, alongside the measured environmental variables.
In an effort to reduce the error rate with those methods, the researchers proposed a new measure called the influence score, or I - score, to better measure a variable's ability to predict.
Meta - analysis is an advanced statistical procedure that allows the researcher to merge the results of all the studies regarding a specific topic into a quantitative measure representing the size of the overall effect of one variable on another variable.
A new generation of researchers who think about how best to measure variables such as patient preferences and quality - of - life issues is coming of age now, McDonald adds.
As predicted, the researchers found that facial traits are much more variable than other bodily traits, such as the length of the hand, and that facial traits are independent of other facial traits, unlike most body measures.
Then the researchers measured the aerodynamic response of the creatures» wings, taking into account variables like flight speed, attack angle, and bone structure.
Using data from the U.S. Congregational Life Survey, a national sample of religious congregations and members, Stroope and his team, composed of two researchers from Hope College and Baylor University, measured the dependent variable of college completion and the independent variables of individual biblical literalism and congregational biblical literalism.
The researchers measured the shapes and sizes of the microscopic grooves that give the polyethylene its roughness and analyzed how these variables affect ski speed at different snow temperatures.
Most known Cepheid variables are visible only to about 100 million light - years away, but researchers at Ohio State University recently discovered how to measure distances using an especially bright class of Cepheid that can be seen at more than three times that distance.
Researchers measured the participants» body composition, aerobic fitness, and glycemic control, and assessed the relationships between pre-intervention variables and intervention - induced changes.
These algorithms use indirect respirometry data as their standard.15 This means that researchers measure a bunch of people's energy needs by analyzing the combination of gases expired in their breath, and then make formulas that account for different variables like gender, body mass, and body composition to help you estimate your calorie needs.
After performing experiments in which electric potential difference within muscles is measured using EMG, researchers generally draw inferences about what this might mean for other variables.
In No Small Change: Targeting Money Toward Student Performance, researchers analyze more than 100 variables before they grade states from A to F on four major categories: the rigor and clarity of the state's standards in core subjects; its efforts to improve teacher quality; its school climate as measured by absenteeism, school safety, parental involvement, character education, and other variables; and the extent to which it provides resources equitably.
Throughout three years of project implementation, PAIR researchers collected and analyzed data drawn from randomized classroom cohorts that resulted in seven different types of teacher professional development (PD) variables and four different measures of student learning.
However these researchers decided to measure a number of owner related variables as well.
Their independent variable was readability, as measured by the Flesch Reading Ease score calculated by Microsoft Word.127 For federal appellate and state supreme court briefs, the researchers coded control variables for federal or state court, standard of review, presence of a dissenting opinion (present or absent), and readability of the opinion deciding the appeal.
So far, only three published studies have analyzed the association between brief readability and case outcome, 50 and no studies have analyzed that association in the trial courts, where most lawyers practice.51 Long and Christensen sampled 882 appellate briefs from the Supreme Court, federal appellate courts, and state supreme courts.52 Their dependent variable was the outcome of the appeal (affirmed or reversed), while their independent variable was readability measured by the Flesch Reading Ease score as calculated by Microsoft Word.53 For federal appellate and state supreme court briefs, the researchers coded control variables for federal or state court, standard of review, presence of a dissenting opinion, and readability of the opinion deciding the appeal.54 For United States Supreme Court briefs, the researchers coded control variables for constitutional issue, criminal or civil case, presence of a dissenting opinion, and opinion readability.55 They found no statistically significant correlation between readability and outcome in the briefs in their study.56
This allows the researcher to measure change in variables over time.
These same researchers listed tax preparation assistance in the list of 19 services and as a result this variable was added to the OASUA keeping it an 86 - item measure for future investigation.
Confirmatory Factor Analysis: A type of factor analysis where the researcher begins with a preconceived notion or hypothesis of which factors influence which variables and then measures how well the results and data fit the hypothesis.
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