Sentences with phrase «researchers reported»

This match suggested that a backup copy of the ancestral plants» genome was somehow being passed down, the researchers reported in the March 24 Nature.
In 2013 alone, total costs from bicycle accidents exceeded $ 24.4 billion, the researchers reported.
In the United States, more men than women died from flu - related causes from 2007 to 2010 across several age groups, researchers reported in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 2013.
The more frequently a hospital performs a minimally invasive technique called transcatheter aortic valve replacement, or TAVR, to replace a damaged aortic heart valve, the better patients fare, on average, immediately after the procedure, researchers reported at the American College of Cardiology's 65th Annual Scientific Session.
Meantime, several strategies to combat the virus show preliminary promise, researchers reported at the American Society for Cell Biology's annual meeting.
A team of researchers reported today that it has found a way to extend the lifetime of several types of cells.
Meadows of underwater seagrass plants might lower levels of harmful bacteria in nearby ocean waters, researchers reported February 16 during a news conference at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
As the researchers reported online in the journal Psychological Science, although there was no difference among subjects in either reaction time or accuracy on the main task, those with ASD processed the irrelevant letters while solving much more complex problems.
In 2002, researchers reported that lowering a patient's body temperature protected tissues from injury.
A newer theory made a splash last year after researchers reported in Nature that they could radically reduce body fat — including visceral fat — and raise metabolic rates in mice by blocking the action of follicle - stimulating hormone (FSH), a substance better known for its role in reproduction.
Stacking multiple layers of iridium, platinum and cobalt, Cros and colleagues created the first room - temperature skyrmions smaller than 100 nanometers, the researchers reported in May 2016 in Nature Nanotechnology.
In the second study, the Washington University researchers reported that treatment with interferon lambda offers a significant advantage: It not only prevents the start of persistent norovirus infections but also eliminates established persistent infections.
The researchers reported their findings in a November 2012 issue of Science.
The study found that a mother mouse can pass along to her offspring a susceptibility to intestinal disorders, such as inflammatory bowel disease, by way of a gut - residing bacterium called Sutterella, the researchers reported in the journal Nature on Feb. 16.
The strongest correlations were found, not from social class or where the speakers grew up, but from political party, the researchers reported recently in Language Variation and Change.
As the researchers reported in 2015 in The Cryosphere, Austfonna's movement accelerated each year in early July and slowed in late August.
In a 2002 study that followed 174 of these kids, researchers reported that 4 - year - olds living in stressful environments — their mothers were depressed, their parents fought, or there were financial difficulties — had high levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their saliva.
Street lights take away the street smarts from normally wary moths, researchers reported this year.
Males constituted almost 80 % of hatchlings and 60 % of the adults, the researchers reported in 2015.
There is some more good news: The overall rate of heat illnesses across all high school sports is on the decline, researchers reported.
They found no signs of a hypothetical type of dark matter, which consists of flaws in the fabric of space called topological defects, the researchers reported here on Saturday at a meeting of the American Physical Society.
Over a million years, the Tesla has a 6 % probability of an Earth collision and a 2.5 % chance of crashing on Venus, the researchers reported yesterday on the physics preprint server arXiv.
Flamingos may be more stable standing on one leg than two, especially when asleep, researchers reported (SN: 6/24/17, p. 15).
Without GPS or cameras, seismic systems could allay privacy concerns by tracking urban activity in an anonymous way, researchers reported today at the 168th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in Indianapolis.
Babies who were sleeping in their own rooms at ages 4 or 9 months got more nighttime sleep than babies the same ages who roomed with parents, researchers reported online June 5 in Pediatrics.
All of the untreated fish with fewer macrophages died within 72 hours of receiving S. flexneri, the researchers reported in December in Current Biology.
He adds that other recent finds suggest that water birds such as penguins did the same thing: Earlier this year, researchers reported finding a 61 - million - year - old fossil of a 1.5 - meter - tall penguin in what is today New Zealand.
Aerial laser maps, excavations and stone - slab hieroglyphics indicate that La Corona, a largely rural settlement, became a key part of a far - ranging Classic - era Maya kingdom that incorporated sites from southern Mexico to Central America, researchers reported on April 15 at the annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.
Aerial laser maps, excavations and stone - slab hieroglyphics indicate that La Corona, a largely rural settlement, became a key part of a far - ranging Classic - era Maya kingdom that incorporated sites from southern Mexico to Central America, researchers reported on April 15 at...
The new measurement is right in between the previous two, at 70 km / s per megaparsec, researchers reported online in Nature.
It was a good idea, but it didn't seem to work, researchers reported in 2015 in Vaccine.
When people were asked how they would react to the discovery of extraterrestrial microbial life, they give generally positive responses, researchers reported at a news conference February 16 at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Compared with postmortem brain tissue taken from healthy people and those with Alzheimer's, tissue from people who had CTE had higher levels of an inflammation protein called CCL11, Mez and other researchers reported in September in PLOS ONE.
When released, the birds still had traces of the chemicals in their blood plasma, the researchers reported at the November meeting.
Since 2013, mega-sized viruses falling into another eight potential virus families have been found, showcasing a long - unexplored viral diversity, researchers reported last year in Annual Review of Virology and in January in Frontiers in Microbiology.
Within those guts lurk solid grains of carbon - and silicon - based compounds that formed in the wake of the supernova, researchers reported in 2014 in Astrophysical Journal Letters.
Most recently, he noted, researchers reported in Science that sleep functions as a kind of «sewer system» for the brain, at least in mice, by flushing beta - amyloid, which is known to accumulate in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease.
THE WOODLANDS, Texas — Venus» crust is broken up into chunks that shuffle, jostle and rotate on a global scale, researchers reported in two talks March 20 at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
Damaging clumps of the protein tau were present in 110 of 111 brains, researchers reported in JAMA (SN: 8/19/17, p. 15).
The drained area was far more vulnerable than the undrained area to big changes after a fire, the researchers reported in 2015 in Scientific Reports.
The birds» feathers and eggshells contain the chemical fingerprints of variations in diet, food web structure and even climate, researchers reported February 12 at the American Geophysical Union's 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting.
Researchers reported «stress, anxiety and difficulties for the children and their families.»
The rates fell short of the Healthy People 2010 targets of 75 percent, 50 percent, and 25 percent, respectively, the researchers reported in the March 26 issue of Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
In 2007, researchers reported in the journal Early Human Development that children who had received no DHA in formula or breast milk during the first 17 weeks of life had poorer visual acuity at age 4, and did worse on language tests showing verbal IQ, than those who fed breast milk.
In previous studies, the researchers reported multiple serotonin - related brain abnormalities in SIDS cases, including a decrease in serotonin in regions involved in breathing, heart rate patterns, blood pressure, temperature regulation, and arousal during sleep.
The researchers reported that approximately 99 % of women had given birth, and 97 % reported a history of breastfeeding with a median duration of 12 months per child.
In the current study, researchers reported that 31 percent of SIDS infants (19 of 61) had elevated blood levels of serotonin.
In the late 1950s sleep researchers reported that 70 % of the 160 babies they studied began settling by three months of age.
The researchers reported about 10 percent greater bone growth rate for those with the extra milk.6 These children also gained a little more weight, but not height.
Australian researchers reported that participants in a men's only discussion group felt more comfortable making contact with other fathers than in a mixed gender group (Schmied et al., 2002).
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