Sentences with phrase «researchers turn on the lights»

When researchers turn on the lights, they can monitor and measure brain activity.

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The researchers added the cells to a soft bio-compatible sheath that also contained wirelessly - powered red LED lights to create HydrogeLEDs that could be turned on and off by an external electromagnetic field.
A technique known as optogenetics, for example, lets researchers study the function of individual neurons by genetically altering them so they can be turned on and off by a light switch.
Observing the amount of stretching that had taken place in the light allowed the researchers to pinpoint how long after the Big Bang the light was absorbed, revealing when the first stars turned on.
It turns out that these exotic sea critters — affectionately known to the researchers in the study as «shrimp from Mars» — can see a kind of light that, as far as we know, is not apparent to any other animal on the planet.
A team of researchers has developed a light - activated switch that can turn genes on and off in mammalian cells.
Researchers showed that the genes turned on by the switch remained active for several hours in several mammalian cell lines even after a short light pulse.
The researchers engineered a strain in which a Synechococcus gene normally turned on during photosynthesis signals its activity by switching on the gene for luciferase, an enzyme from another bacterium that drives a light - emitting chemical reaction.
«Normally light turns expression on,» said Jared E. Toettcher, assistant professor of molecular biology and co-lead researcher, «but we also had to figure out how to make the absence of light turn another expression on
It's a procedure that makes neurons sensitive to light, enabling researchers to turn them on or off at the flick of a switch.
To determine reaction - time impairment researchers programmed a dashboard light to come on periodically; participants were asked to press a button on the turn - signal lever as soon as they noticed.
In 2003, however, researchers at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands who mounted single molecules of diarylethene between gold electrodes found that, even though the switches could be turned off by visible light, they could not then be turned back on by ultraviolet.
The device opens the door to invisible displays on walls and windows - displays that would be bright when turned on but see - through when turned off — or in futuristic applications such as light - emitting tattoos, according to the researchers.
By turning the anxiety cells off and on using a technique called optogenetics, which allows scientists to control the activity of neurons using beams of light, the researchers demonstrated that the anxiety cells control anxiety - related avoidance behaviors.
The researchers used a molecular «switch» from green algae called channelrhodopsin - 2 (ChR2), which is turned on by blue light.
Researchers recently used satellite data to track when, where and how often we turn on lights.
Instead, the MIT researchers found that shining light on a sheet of graphene, treated so that it had two regions with different electrical properties, creates a temperature difference that, in turn, generates a current.
It turns out ambiance can make a real difference in terms of calorie consumption: When researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign made over a fast food restaurant with dimmer lighting and mellow music, the study participants consumed 175 fewer calories, on average.
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