Sentences with phrase «resilient cities»

"Resilient cities" refers to cities that are able to recover and adapt quickly in the face of challenges or disasters. These cities have plans and strategies in place to minimize damage, protect their residents, and bounce back stronger after a setback. Full definition
You can really see just how resilient this city is.
The future of resilient cities depends on residents, and their investment in, and involvement with, the places in which they live.
The RUAF Foundation prepared a paper on «The role of urban agriculture in building resilient cities in developing countries» for (and published by) the UK - Foresight «State of Science Review 19 (SR 19) and the Global Food and Farming Futures Project, which is run by the UK's Government Office for Science.
«This is one of the toughest, most resilient cities on earth, and we've proven it a thousand times over.»
At Resilient Cities 2018, mayors and senior municipal managers of Pemba and Quelimane presented some key projects aiming to address these
These official international processes can be enriched and informed by the ICLEI Resilient Cities Congress in Bonn, Germany.
Peng Her, parent of three Madison students, assistant director of the Center for Resilient Cities and a member of the Hmong Education Council, said the school improvement process under Cheatham feels different than those in past years because there's a bigger focus on engaging the community.
LDF partner TreePeople is putting Los Angeles on track to be a climate resilient city by redefining what urban infrastructure looks like.
That resilience officer job title has become formalized of late as a growing list of city governments have joined the 100 Resilient Cities project of the Rockefeller Foundation.
The ICLEI Resilient Cities Congress 1 June 2013 featured for the first time a special one - day food systems forum for urban stakeholders to come together to discuss and put into action the implementation of resilient food systems within cities around the world and to generate heightened awareness and strengthened political commitment in local governments in order to create resilient urban food systems.
Whether cities are motivated by the threat of future storms or the need to maintain a tighter budget, Placemaking should be considered as another strategy to create resilient cities.
Kidney elaborates: «If India built a new sustainable and climate - resilient city out of Hyderabad it's going to a cost a billion dollars or maybe 5 billion dollars.
Mr. Ankrah also commended the police for their support and called on all to rally behind the assembly's strategies to transform Accra into a Smart, Sustainable and Resilient City where we can all «live in and love it.»
Informing residents about local water issues and involving them in local water policies are the keys to building healthy and resilient city water systems, according to a Portland State University study.
We have the POWER to develop and invest a civically engaged and socially resilient city, ready to lead positive change
The city of Miami considered reorganizing its resilience department, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation's 100 Resilient Cities program, with its public works department.
Knowledge exchange and technical deep dives are always core elements of the annual Resilient Cities congress.
This policy brief (2018) reports on a recent study, implemented by RUAF Foundation and supported by the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) and the CGIAR Water, Land and Ecosystems Research Program (WLE / IWMI), on the role of the private sector in building more sustainable and resilient city region food systems.
This was also discussed during the recent Resilient Cities Conference 2017 in Bonn.
Similarly, although narrower in reach, the 100 Resilient Cities initiative has focused on the cities of Surat (Gujarat) and Panaji (Goa) to develop more detailed city - level planning and preparedness for climate induced events.
This conference will explore how emerging technology is influencing our urban environment and take a deep dive into the near future, to understand how digital technology can create the best outcomes for the greatest number of people and deliver resilient cities.
The flooding risk in parts of Texas and communities» vulnerabilities are well - understood, even by state officials, but it's unclear if authorities will take steps to mitigate exposure to flood hazards and build more resilient cities.
Moore is arguably one of the most resilient cities in Oklahoma, having survived no less than two major tornadoes: one in 1999 and again in 2013.
The story concludes on a note of climate hope: we can avoid the worst impacts of climate change by putting a price on carbon pollution, ending fossil fuel subsidies, and building resilient cities.
Building a global bond market that will finance the development of low carbon and climate resilient cities
The Rockefeller Foundation's 100 Resilient Cities project is also pointed in the right direction.
According to a report published by Grosvenor, a privately owned property group, Pittsburgh's ability to adapt to and rise above new challenges makes it the 5th most resilient city in the world.
During the Forum — and in response to the demands for information, training, technical and policy advice, and financial assistance by an increasing number of cities, ICLEI and RUAF Foundation, launched the proposal for setting up a CITYFOOD network on resilient city - region food systems and urban agriculture.
Miami Mayor Francis Suarez's suggestion to focus our sea - level rise and climate change mitigation efforts on building a more - resilient city are on point.
Y ’ all better pay attention to this climate control, man, this climate manipulation... And D.C. keep talking about, «We a resilient city
I am holding everyone affected by this tragedy in my heart and doing my best to redirect my sadness into peaceful and healing energy for our beautiful and resilient city.
10:30 AM Mayor Bill de Blasio will deliver remarks at the 100 Resilient Cities» Global Resilience Summit opening plenary.
The 100 Resilient Cities (100RC) organization, is part of...
The Accra Metropolitan Assembly in partnership with 100 Resilient Cities (100RC), has announced the appointment of Desmond Appiah as Chief Resilience Officer (CRO) of Accra.
The appointment, according to AMA, is an essential step of Accra's resilience - building efforts, and its partnership with 100 Resilient Cities — Pioneered by The Rockefeller Foundation.
This grant program provides financial and technical assistance to local community partners «seeking to bring new life and connect people in its public spaces, creating more resilient cities
For example, Linkin described a project called «Resilient Cities,» launched by the Rockefeller Foundation, with support from the Clinton Global Initiative, Swiss Re and others.
Daniel was featured on Radio Ecoshock in 2009, from a conference called «Gaining Ground / Resilient Cities».
We are being transformational, becoming a more resilient city, and that means doing business in a way we have not done before,» Mayor Turner remarked.
Jacksonville, you are a compassionate and resilient city.
The event focuses on transformative yet practical, scalable, solutions - oriented exchanges through six program tracks: distributed energy systems, next - gen buildings, resilient cities, sustainable mobility, smarter supply chains, and food and water systems.
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