Sentences with phrase «resilient performance»

The phrase "resilient performance" means the ability to bounce back or recover well after facing challenges or difficult situations. Full definition
This represents a much more resilient performance than the national polls would suggest, having recently put the party at record low levels of support.
A creatively ambitious bizarre sci / fi horror with an amazingly resilient performance by the wonderful Noomi Rapace.
«We have doubled the size of the business and more recently, delivered very resilient performance in one of the most severe recessions on record.
Watford put in a resilient performance against Chelsea last week, but were put out of the cup after a long 120 minutes on Wednesday, and they may well not have had enough time to recover from that properly.
I really think that Arsenal should put up a resilient performance at the Emirates and nick it with an odd goal and go to the Camp Nou and defend for their lives to secure a draw.
That being said, it was a resilient performance that the Arsenal of before would have struggled to get.
A section of Arsenal's travelling supporters again showed their frustrations with Wenger's apparent reluctance to bolster his squad in the transfer market, but the manager was pleased to see a resilient performance from his players following last weekend's chastening 4 - 3 loss at home to Liverpool.
A resilient performance sees us reshuffle the pack then attack down the right to finish Man City 2 - 2 Spurs at the Etihad.
Clegg has his critics within his party, but his resilient performance reflects the fact that the party itself has survived far worse times and is not «irrelevant» — as one member of the audience suggested.
The film works thanks to Burton's affection for both the art and the artist, Adams» resilient performance, and a story that is too fascinating to be fiction.
The rise in returns was only partially offset by a resilient performance from General Literature which enjoyed success, for example with Virginie Despentes» Vernon Subutex 3 and Laetitia Colombani's La Tresse.
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