Sentences with phrase «resilient spirit»

"Resilient spirit" refers to having an inner strength that helps a person bounce back from tough situations or challenges. It means being able to recover quickly, stay positive, and keep going despite difficulties. Full definition
Inspiration came from the American ideal of a pioneer woman's can - do resilient spirit and instinct for survival.
The initiative of TAWA is to acknowledge and celebrate exemplary African personalities with great impact and resilient spirit who, have reached into the slums and hinterlands to break the stronghold of ignorance within the vast populace and empowered their society with opportunities.
* The Sei flower is an important part of Pacific culture and represents the joyful and resilient spirits of Pacific Islanders.
However, given the tough, New York - resilient spirit with which the Rangers have advanced through the playoffs so far, I am wagering big on the Broadway Blueshirts with a Taste NY Basket of some of New York's finest products.
The NDC has a strong and resilient spirit, and anybody who sits on the fence and believes that the NDC is about to implode, will sit on the fence till the second coming of Christ.
In Gentle Flow we align breath awareness with fluid movement for a calm mind, strong body and resilient spirit.
Stern headmistress Miss Minchin (Eleanor Bron) hates the girl, and when Sara's father is reported killed in battle, she launches a campaign to crush the Sara's resilient spirit.
To become a principal, one must get into the pool, practice, and learn from mistakes while maintaining a resilient spirit.
When you meet the rescue kitties, you'll also find that even those who have suffered from neglect, homelessness, or abuse in the past still have resilient spirits.
Deana said Linguini, who has been with her family for about five months, has not only made a seamless transition into the family, but his resilient spirit has brought a new energy to the home.
They have within them what I would call a resilient spirit that actually infuses everything they do.»
Visitors will encounter references to the literal and metaphoric scars of the pine industry and the turpentine camps (not unlike the slave plantations once located on the same land), along with the music that grew out of this labor and the resilient spirit of the workers.
Writer, RJ Rushmore notes, «Bäst has spent over a decade stenciling, postering and tagging the streets of New York City, where he has proven himself a master of a gritty urban aesthetic and a representative of the resilient spirit of the city's underdogs.
We also send strength to the resilient spirit of the people of Puerto Rico in their recovery after Hurricane Maria's grave destruction.
Jack's resilient spirit, generosity, and compassion have been an inspiration to all of us.
Friendly employers, those who recognize the resilient spirit and boundless determination of our clients, are the best pathway for an exoneree rebuild their life.
Yet Flint is also a resilient town, and local renters share in that resilient spirit.
Utilizing superior interpersonal abilities, a high level of empathy, and a resilient spirit to provide solutions and support in difficult, stressful, and emotionally charged situations
Why Good People Do Bad Things: Understanding Our Darker Selves The Way of the Small: Why Less is More Getting Through the Day: Strategies for Adults Hurt as Children Warming the Stone Child: Myths and Stories about Abandonment and the Unmothered Child (CD only) The Resilient Spirit: Transforming Pain into Insight and Renewal
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