Sentences with phrase «resist urges»

I also resist the urge to blather about the treadmill while conducting a phone interview.
Resist the urge to use your work phone and email to conduct startup business.
However, it is imperative that you resist the urge because no two businesses are alike.
Extended warranties: Resist the urge to buy an additional warranty from your retailer when you purchase a pricey item.
Even if folding your arms feels comfortable, resist the urge to do so if you want people to see you as open - minded and interested in what they have to say.
Resist that urge: Inter-cubicle friendship is every bit as good for your health and your output as an ergonomically correct ball chair.
If you are brave enough to biohack your bod with one (or two or more), Wismeijer says you should resist the urge to try the chip too soon, even if he didn't.
I want you to resist the urge to sort them out.
Fight the lie and resist the urge to become someone else.
In those meetings, resist the urge to get pulled into the present and keep the time horizon greater than a year.
Resist the urge to interrupt.
But here we are, Bryan and I, for better and worse, running a fast - growing software company together and somehow resisting the urge to strangle each other.
It's hard to resist the urge to cheat when everyone around you is cheating too.
Resisting the urge to post this story on Twitter, my friend settled for sharing this story with a handful of acquaintances on Facebook.
Resist that urge.
In order to effect the change he wanted, he had to resist the urge to do everything himself.
The Lesson: «Belief # 3, authenticity attracts, fight the lie and resist the urge to become someone else.»
So this coming year, let's all resist the urge to remain tethered to our desks and make vacation a priority.
It's tempting to sell at any price as entrepreneurs scramble in the early days to establish a following, but resist the urge and hold true to your sustainable price.
But some travelers can resist the urge.
Resist the urge to spend, spend, spend.
Resist the urge to be defensive.
There have been numerous times when Musk's endeavors would have benefited by having more capital, yet he has resisted the urge to take SpaceX public because the board of directors of a publicly - held firm would undoubtedly force him to make changes in the company that would improve its profitability at the expense of its chances for reaching Mars.
Resist the urge to look around or check your phone.
To even begin to remedy social media's problem with inauthenticity, we have to first resist the urge to believe that better, more secure technology will fix the problem.
Although it might seem easy to sit back, relax and let customers come to you, resist the urge to be passive.
By all means see The Wolf of Wall Street, but resist the urge to howl at the capitalist moon.
This stance of «non-attachment»... embodies what you might define as the opposite of positive thinking: learning, instead, to resist the urge to manipulate your inner states.»
But we have to resist the urge to stereotype a whole industry because a few did unseemly things.
But resist the urge to embellish your platform's merits.
Then encourage individual inputs that expand beyond the «usual» topics, and resist the urge to judge, correct, or add your own flavor to someone else's idea.
How do we resist the urge to scratch that digital itch?
Praise your children often (when it's warranted, of course) and resist the urge to criticize them.
If you can approach him / her with genuine curiosity, and resist the urge to respond with defensiveness (which will shut off the flow of free information), you could be awash in valuable insights,» concludes Olds.
FORTUNE — A decade ago, the biggest challenge for retirement savers was resisting the urge to take one ride too many on the stock - market roller coaster.
Resist the urge to say, «I'm available right away,» career coach Aurora Meneghello of Repurpose Your Purpose says, and instead, consider a time - frame that will allow you to leave your current job on good terms.
Resist the urge to micromanage and remove bottlenecks that slow down or complicate their ability to get their work done.
Resist the urge to fill any empty silences with your own voice and let your staffers offer their own suggestions.
So far Gilead has been resisting the urge, which is good news.
Besides turning off an alarm that might be on your phone, resist the urge to check your email or social media.
In launching a new company, resist the urge to be overly creative and dull when dreaming up your brand name.
This also means resisting the urge to complain (or brag) about how slammed you are, no matter if it's over Bloody Marys at brunch or in 140 characters on Twitter.
Resist the urge to splurge!
According to Lou D'Alo, Mirasee's Director of Education, the challenge is «conquering the reluctance to get started, overcoming and persisting beyond the inevitable setbacks, and resisting the urge to be harshly self - critical when they fall anywhere short of the lofty goals and expectations they set.»
And it was Mr. Baird then who beseeched the House to resist the urge to dwell on matters of minor relevance.
«Just hang in there, maintain a long - term perspective and resist the urge for any knee - jerk reactions,» McBride said.
It something that definitely looks tempting on its face, but resist the urge to put debt on one card if at all possible.
It includes some thoughts on resisting the urge to convert your investments to cash.
To build a successful business, you must resist the temptation to divest your capital or profit; you must resist the urge to spend your money on frivolous activities.
In fact, most advisors would tell you to stay put in index funds and resist the urge to move away while rebalancing periodically to keep on track.
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