Sentences with phrase «resistance efforts»

Beneath her article are tweets from @SOSBlakAustralia, calling for supporters to aid resistance efforts.
Citizen Action is planning to continue resistance efforts with «100 Days of Action,» which will include actions individuals and community groups can take daily to resist the plans and policies of the Trump administration.
Statewide advertising campaigns and targeted local resistance efforts are increasingly common nationwide.
These women reached the peak of their careers during the various South American dictatorships of the second half of the 20th century and many took part in left - wing resistance efforts.
First published in the Netherlands, Sax's volume in verse, accompanied by graphic blue - and - white drawings, tells the story of life in the Warsaw ghetto during WWII and about the Resistance efforts in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising.
His cast of fellow freedom fighters grew considerably as the resistance efforts expanded into mainland America.
A resistance effort by Boca lead to a 2 - 2 game entering the third period.
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