Sentences with phrase «resolve scientific uncertainty»

And even more interesting, Steph Tai at Concurring Opinions ponders how the Carhart Court's willingness to defer to Congressional findings to resolve scientific uncertainty might apply in other cases such as those involving global warming, where scientific and legal findings are intermingled.
This is particularly true on issues where waiting to resolve scientific uncertainty makes the problem worse or waiting makes the problem harder to solve, clear attributes of climate change.
That makes resolving scientific uncertainties all the more important.
When you argue that a nation emitting high levels of ghgs need not adopt climate change policies because there is scientific uncertainty about adverse climate change impacts, are you arguing that a nation need not take action on climate change until scientific uncertainties are resolved given that waiting to resolve all scientific uncertainties before action is taken may very likely make it too late to prevent catastrophic climate change harms to millions of people around the world?

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New research using data from NASA's Van Allen Probes mission helps resolve decades of scientific uncertainty over the origin of ultra-relativistic electrons in Earth's near space environment, and is likely to influence our understanding of planetary magnetospheres throughout the universe.
Given that the mainstream scientific community now believes that the world is quickly running out of time to prevent dangerous climate change, the moral problems with waiting until all climate scientific uncertainties are resolved are unfortunately becoming obvious.
Fourth some arguments against climate change policies on the basis of scientific uncertainty often rest on the ethically dubious notion that nothing should be done to reduce a threat that some are imposing on others until all uncertainties are resolved.
No nation need act to reduce the threat of climate change until all scientific uncertainties about climate change impacts are resolved.
«There are too many scientific uncertainties relating both to the efficacy of ocean fertilization and its possible environmental side effects that need to be resolved before even larger experiments should be considered, let alone the process commercialized,» Rayfuse says.
So there are a lot of scientific issues to resolve, dismissing this uncertainty and this disagreement is not useful, and has caused much uneccessary conflict and distraction from the real policy issues at hand.
In that decision, WCAT was not patently unreasonable in rejecting the notion that it was required to have proof of causation to the level of scientific certitude, and in resolving the uncertainty in the worker's favour.
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