Sentences with phrase «resource wars»

Can you handle the pressure of an underwater resource war?
As if a stable climate would prevent resource wars or global terrorism.
Along the way humans could expect to die in resource wars, starvation due to food systems collapse or lethal heat exposure.
An environmental sci - fi epic about resource wars involving a precious commodity known as melange, the book was philosophical and dense; the film would be head - trippy, mind - expanding.
However, if we are ever going to grow beyond oil before it runs out or leads to more resource wars, WWII in the Pacific, Iraq in the 90's and now, then it is a good thing because alternatives are now an attractive investment for venture capitalists.
The Oil Depletion Protocol: is a global framework for distributing the world's remaining oil reserves more equitably than free market forces would allow, to avoid resource wars, profiteering and economic collapse.
The report says global climate change is projected to produce «insufficient water supplies, shifting rainfall patterns, disruptions to agriculture, human migrations, more failing states, increased extremism, and even resource wars,» all of which pose an urgent threat that must be addressed in national security policy.
My central involvement in the Peace Movement became conflictual by 2005 or so, when I started to understand that we would continue to wage resource wars across the world, cloaked under the guise of «national security» interests, supporting the «spread of democracy», or «women's rights»....
A series of resource wars and famines combined with many nations condemned to permanent poverty is more likely than anything else to ruin the whole planet.
We are seeing climate disruption leading to rising food prices, loss of biodiversity, deteriorating ecosystem services, increased chances of vast epidemics and nuclear resource wars and a general reduction in the odds of avoiding the first catastrophic collapse of a global civilization.
We can picture it now: It's 2037 and the Earth is being plagued by resource wars, rising temps, and artificial intelligence - caused mass poverty.
Edsall believes that American debt and deficit levels, combined with factors like declining tax revenues and increasing strain on the social safety net, make a period of real austerity inevitable — and that austerity will lead to a «resource war» between Republicans and Democrats, as both vie to bend the government's decreasing means to shape the country according to their respective visions.
Yet there is a strong and deep academic literature, that draws on extensive interdisciplinary evidence from economics, political science, anthropology and history, which shows how simplistic and misguided such arguments about «resource wars» are, both when approached theoretically and through Asian or African case studies.
The public has indeed become more open - minded about the risks of peak oil, which vary from the dire (mass starvation and resource wars) to the blasé (markets bring forth new technologies that save the day).
Economics of War and Peace — Land and resource wars; financial domination; US foreign policy; ecocide; shifting from «full spectrum dominance» to full spectrum sharing; the money question; religious conflicts; resource rent for public revenue; geo - confederation for conflictzones; earth rights democracy.
Hence, within every VR app, audio competes with video rendering and physics engines in a resource war for access to computation.
Before the Great War was the Resource Wars, during which the United Nations disbanded, a plague rendered the United States paranoid, and Canada was annexed.
The Resource War PvP mode is faction - based and allows up to 1000 players.
In addition to dungeons and the Battle Arena, players can now discover a new PvP game mode: the Resource War is available to all players of level 30 and will pit them against each other in a continuous fight.
We'd really like to try the new PvP mode, Resource Wars, and experience an epic confrontation, and what better time than now?
But his is just one of a wide range of reasoned views of the energy challenge, and opportunity, facing this country in a century where old energy paths lead to rising risks, ranging from climate change to resource wars.
I don't do this kind of work on a daily basis, but a few years ago I wrote a review essay on «resource wars» [The National Interest] and found that, for the most part, claims that resource competition would transform security and creates hordes of new dangers were bunk.
Arrested development in the adolescent growth phase leads to giantism, obesity, overpopulation, resource wars, and massive die - offs.
Climate change, global economic instability, overpopulation, erosion of community, declining biodiversity, and resource wars, have all stemmed from the availability of cheap, non-renewable fossil fuels.
If left unchecked, rising global temperatures could lead to unpredictable extreme weather events, mass famine, pandemics, political instability, and resource wars.
The international community must help counter such «resource wars» in future by ending the practice of secret deals between transnational resource companies and unaccountable government elites.
He discussed the escalating scale of impacts we could expect from unchecked climate change: from deaths and injuries from heat, to pollution, food - related illnesses, altered vectors for diseases such as malaria, crop failure and water shortages, mass migration, resource wars, economic collapse, and ecosystem collapse with mass extinctions.
However, by simply saying that «climate change is real», a variety of activists, researchers and politicians can deliver a great deluge of non-sequiturs about sea - level rise, species extinction, drought, famine, resources wars and so on.
It describes killer heat waves, crippling agricultural failures, devastated economies, plagues, resource wars, and more.
By mid-century billions of people will face the risk of death from adverse climate change outcomes such as starvation, heat stress, resource wars, and disease if we don't restore the perennial ice.
The social effects that have been given as reasons to mitigate climate change — climate refugees, resource war, famine, plague, and so on — exist at the end of such chains of reasoning.
Adaptation to what: unprecedented patterns of disease disperson, waves of forced human migration, resource wars?
Are Resource Wars Our Future?
Scott Borgerson has claimed that the U.S. has to take the lead in addressing resource claims in the Arctic lest the region become a flashpoint for resource wars.
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