Sentences with phrase «respect other human»

This is never happened in the history some garbage people disrespect god words and god prophets this is disgusting Americans need to learn how to respect other human being
We're living in an awesome advanced technological age but still can't respect other humans and live in peace.
I don't have to believe I will burn in some hell if I do something bad... all I have to know is that in the here and now, I respect other humans and THAT is what keeps me on the straight and narrow.
Either one accepts the basic Western ethical system of respecting other human beings as subjects and extends that respect to other creatures that are also recognized as subjects, or one asks much more fundamental questions about the assumptions of Western thought, rejects ethical thinking of this sort altogether, and develops a new sensibility more like the one Shepard finds among primal peoples.

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It is a fundamental fact of human existence: communicating with others while respecting differing views is a necessary life skill.
The newspaper also reported that like other heroes, Morris had never talked much about his military service, «out of respect for the gravity of taking a human life.»
Exxon has argued against all the other shareholder proposals as well, including a «policy to explicitly prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity»; a policy articulating Exxon's «respect for and commitment to the human right to water»; «a report discussing possible long term risks to the company's finances and operations posed by the environmental, social and economic challenges associated with the oil sands»; a report of «known and potential environmental impacts» and «policy options» to address the impacts of the company's «fracturing operations»; a report of recommendations on how Exxon can become an «environmentally sustainable energy company»; and adoption of «quantitative goals... for reducing total greenhouse gas emissions.»
With respect to the Named Executive Officers other than the CEO, the Committee's compensation decisions involve the review of recommendations made by our CEO and Executive Vice President of Human Resources («EVP — HR»).
In determining the compensation of our named executive officers other than our Chief Executive Officer, the compensation committee receives input from our Chief Executive Officer and Executive Vice President of Human Resources with respect to appropriate base salary levels and short - term and long - term incentive awards for such officers.
His other professional acknowledgments include: Institute for Management Studies — Lifetime Achievement Award (one of only two ever awarded), American Management Association - 50 great thinkers and leaders who have influenced the field of management over the past 80 years, BusinessWeek — 50 great leaders in America, Wall Street Journal — top ten executive educators, Forbes — five most - respected executive coaches, Leadership Excellence — top five thinkers on leadership, Economic Times (India)-- top CEO coaches of America, Economist (UK)-- most credible executive advisors in the new era of business, National Academy of Human Resources — Fellow of the Academy (America's top HR award), World HRD Congress — 2011 global leader in HR thinking, Fast Company — America's preeminent executive coach, and Leader to Leader Institute — 2010 Leader of the Future Award.
Whether through the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, labor and environmental standards, or other elements of the Canadian legal and regulatory system, we should ensure that human rights standards enshrined in our laws and regulations are respected by our PRC partners.
-- Secondly, no one disputes his a «ssertions about human s «exuality, and the rights of everyone to their own, (although his former, and many Christian sects, including many in his present one, DO exactly that with respect to anyone other than what they define as «straight»).
Even as a gay male, it was strange for me showering with my straight classmates or at the gym just as its strange for straight people in the same situation but I am a human being who is capable of respect for others privacy and personal boundaries.
It has taught me how to respect others, be a human with integrity and help those in need.
every man is Jesus if is human a humanitarian who give they life the soldier the real citizen other are person and people we all are a family GOD is the woman we all had a mother think Obama mama is all our mama this nation brain wash because greed and ignorance everyday in deception and manipulation is world order that is why 9/11 call the police the CIA explain all in movie in deception the rich few know all is in the moral, respect and honor the president is correct all in the education but ignorance is bless because we all have greed, they want dome is shipper that is why gay a lot in this nation ignorance..
When the U.S. Muslim community sounds out LOUD and CLEAR, without equivocation, and immediately against all forms of terrorism, including all aggressive religious intolerance for human rights, women's right, children, equal protection under the law, the respect for other religions to coexist, the right to free speech, and the ability to separate church from state, IF THEY FINALLY DO THAT AND LOUDLY, then we will begin to feel comfortable that they are truly embracing American ideals and here to join us, not to oppose, defy, or undermine what we hold dear.
It is a very helpful guide to the formation of conscience with respect to questions raised in voting and other political activity if, in fidelity to the Church's teaching, one recognizes the «intrinsic evil» of taking innocent human life in abortion.
On November 29, Tarcisio Cardinal Bertone, secretary of state, wrote to Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad bin Talal of Jordan, the chief organizer of the letter of the 138, on behalf of the pope: «Common ground allows us to base dialogue on effective respect for the dignity of every human person, on objective knowledge of the religion of the other, on the sharing of religious experience, and, finally, on common commitment to promoting mutual respect and acceptance among the younger generation.
While glad to see the change of attitude among conservative Christians with respect to gay civil rights and acceptance of gays as human beings, some persons were troubled over other aspects of the issue.
No, we don't pray before meals; instead we try to treat others with respect and be decent human beings on the whole.
Every Christian I knows works hard to do both a) show gratitude to God for His provision and b) «treat others with respect and be decent human beings on the whole.»
With regard to others, it is our duty to cultivate within ourselves respect for the sacred and to show the face of the revealed God — the God who has compassion for the poor and the weak, for widows and orphans, for the foreigner; the God who is so human that he himself became man, a man who suffered, and who by his suffering with us gave dignity and hope to our pain.
I suspect that this man will happily return to his faith, but he will do so with a greater understanding of his fellow humans, and a greater respect for others.
You live in a society comprised of other humans, and a level of decorum and respect is necessary.
It just seems that people like Hawking ignore religion completely when a HUGE part of science is questioning all beliefs including your own which I don't think human beings do as much as they should, or respect other people's opinions.
The human link between them is obviously the person of Naaman, and if these acts are all petty, insignificant, and of no evident worth, it is because God respects the independence of Naaman just as he does that of each of the other characters in the story.
It appears natural to many that whites, males, the rich, and Christians are superior to other human beings, and that human beings are more valuable in all respects than other forms of life.
There are others who insist that human life is of no greater value than any other form of life, that all are equally to be respected.
Some countries will accord more respect for human rights than others.
Amid our self - structuring dependent origination, which in Zen is the very nature of the true self, we ought to respect as much as possible the capacities of others, both nonhuman and human, to originate dependently in their own self - structuring ways.
If valid, this view rightly gives Christians and others hope that respect for the integrity of creation is less alien to human life, and more attainable, than circumstances have often led us to believe.
Still others move from the new awareness of the intrinsic value of the world to reflection about how human beings can order their social, political, and economic lives so as to respect this value.
Nakedness is for the loss of that human dignity, the loss of that respect, the loss of that purity that was so beautiful, so great, the loss of that virginity that was the most beautiful thing that a young man and a young woman can give each other because they love each other, the loss of that presence, of what is beautiful, of what is great this is nakedness.
In this case, we're comparing the US to other first world nations that respect human rights and freedom.
Our commitment to human rights, if it is to be sustained, must depend not on practice, law, or the passing policies of governments (though we must be earnestly concerned about all of these), but rather on a promise that bestows dignity upon every person and demands of every person a respect — no, a reverence — for the dignity of all others.
Even when, like the characters in The Story of the Night, they seem to have fallen away from treating themselves, or their fellow human beings, with the appropriate respect, Jews and others in today's counterculture committed to the mystery of human responsibility before God, and charged with the task of pursuing our own unique individual and communal destiny in a conformist, uncomprehending world, need such reminders.
I honor and respect every person who has ever given his or her life for others but I would never choose a flag over a human being and by pledging allegiance to our flag causes division and creates a divide between the Gospel and Patriotism.
«We die daily»: so it is often said, not only with reference to the death of our bodily cells and their replacement by other cells every few years, but also in respect to our possible human growth.
Humans, because of their addiction to drama, suffering and conflict must realize they are all swimming in a limitless soup of energy and all are worthy of this, all humans must work to get rid of their addiction to drama, suffering and conflict and love and respect each other and help each other achieve happiness and live in peace.&Humans, because of their addiction to drama, suffering and conflict must realize they are all swimming in a limitless soup of energy and all are worthy of this, all humans must work to get rid of their addiction to drama, suffering and conflict and love and respect each other and help each other achieve happiness and live in peace.&humans must work to get rid of their addiction to drama, suffering and conflict and love and respect each other and help each other achieve happiness and live in peace.»
Actually self - respect underlies respect for others, since one's own being is the source of knowledge of personal worth and of human potentiality.
Other issues fought for are democracy, life within a community, the respect and recognition of the basic human rights of immigrants and refugees.
But on the other hand, when in talking about sin one talks only of such sins, it is so easily forgotten that in a way it may be all right, humanly speaking, with respect to all such things up to a certain point, and yet the whole life may be sin, the well - known kind of sin: glittering vices, willfulness, which either spiritlessly or impudently continues to be or wills to be unaware in what an infinitely deeper sense a human self is morally under obligation to God with respect to every most secret wish and thought, with respect to quickness in comprehending and readiness to follow every hint of God as to what His will is for this self.
In return, I ask others to respect me as a human being who lives a very moral life just because that is also part of my belief system.
I suggest that the next time it happens instead of jumping on your high horse at try to put this in perspective and just remember we are just humans and since we are what and who we are, we have no other choice but trying to respect each others.
Debate over this issue remains prominent among process theologians to this day and will be discussed more fully in the second part of this paper, but it should be remarked here that Hartshorne has consistently attempted to envision God, in this and in some other respects, after the model of the human person.
In a work recently completed, but not yet published, I have explained how the adaptability of animal bodily systems, especially the brain, which Meredith and Stein have remarkably demonstrated in respect of the senses in their The Merging of the Senses and which is seen in infant language - learning in a way discussed by Meltzoff, Butterworth and others, reaches a peak in the case of the human use of language so that it is solely semantic and communicational constraints which determine grammar and nothing universal in grammar is determined by neurology.
At the human level, at least, and possibly with respect to nature itself, the other is often experienced as a threat or a potential threat to our ability to realize our purposes.
At least when you have no knowledge you should speak in respectful manner in respect of the feelings of others... you said you liked me as human I say ok fine and I will do the same but to insult my belief and whom I as Muslim hold in high respect... well then you are not a worthy human being to treat as one... Hope you feel for me as I would have felt for you.
Virtuous Christians respect and care for God's gifts and provide themselves, their families, and others with one of the most fundamental human goods — health.
I'm a muslim and i respect and love moses and jesus (peace be upon them) and as a muslim respect and recognize all the prophets that came before islam, what i want to say is, Islam has come to stay and it will stay, and all the others will embrace islam finally, its better for them to stop criticizing Islam, better criticisize muslims, because some have gone fanatic, but majority is acting the real role.and i can predict that after embracing islam these critical jews and christians would act more precisely on the rules of Islam.God doesn't depend on arab muslims or indian or Pakistani or african muslims to worship Him all the human beings and creatures are His property and He may chose some others to worship Him more well.So we muslims should not be in any illusion.
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