Sentences with phrase «respectful nods to»

With respectful nods to Matisse, Judy Chicago and Rirkrit Tiravanija's cooking - as - art, the piece was artful, eye - catching, conservative and companionable, all of which Independent is, too.
Nice to see some respectful nods to those classic cartoons.
However, the odds disparity seems to be a respectful nod to Arsenal's overall quality vs. Aston Villa's surprisingly hot start.
«Groveland» will welcome children of all ages with its enlivened and inspirational design that gives a respectful nod to those trees that once filled the space.
Its one thing to say all Science is incomplete as a respectful nod to the Scientific Method, its quite another to claim a consensus of understanding without the facts.

Not exact matches

Sure there are some nods to the classic (that's just being respectful).
But despite the rules, Omid discovered a warm and pleasant people: «While communication was nearly impossible due to language barriers, this didn't keep me from seeking visual or gesticulative contact with people on the streets in form of a simple smile, a nod, and the waiving of a hand — gestures that were almost always reciprocated with a surprised smile, a kind and respectful nod, or a shy wave followed by looking or walking away.
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