Sentences with phrase «respective actors»

Each stand - in should match the respective actor's height, weight, hair color, skin tone, and age range.
Co-screenwriter David Twohy sows the seeds of Vin Diesel's Riddick in Jordan O'Neill, a fact made more noticeable in that both O'Neill and Riddick were Razzie nominated roles for their respective actors.
If you vote for George Clooney in «Michael Clayton» or «Up in the Air» or for Holly Hunter in «Broadcast News,» you are celebrating a performance you could never possibly give, because those great performances are so tied to the personalities of the respective actors.
But unfortunately, neither Carter — nor his respective actor — ever surpasses basic Hollywood conventions.
Whatever character arcs the respective actors were on, the final cut of the film makes them out to be forgettable plot devices, helping the principal characters move from clue to clue via some thin «conflict» and «resolution.»
Nowhere is this more evident than during two significant death scenes, when the respective actors share a clinch and the first glimmer of a humanizing connection, only to have Ratner quickly jerk us off to another setting.
Their respective actors maintain the same likability.
Comic book adaptations and their respective actors took home 13 accolades at the annual Saturn Awards.
If you're going for a more realistic approach, then just forget about trying to work in the shtick the respective actors are known for.
The music was exceptional as well and several characters and their respective actors / actresses reprise their roles.
Most of the characters in the game are voiced by their respective actors from the anime adaptations.
Fanny's post takes us through the context of the decision and its content, focusing in particular on the role of national data protection authorities and the competences of the respective actors, i.e. the Commission, national authorities and the courts.
Due to the backlash of a particular controversy, I brainstormed potential solutions that bridged the image of some characters and their respective actors.
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