Sentences with phrase «respond in a kinder way»

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«And when the president gets into the kind of controversy he does, and the U.N. committee responds the way it does, they begin to doubt whether we are living those values,» Wallace said, referring to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination's criticism of the United States government's failure to adequately condemn white supremacists and the events in Charlottesville.
What kind of prosaic unimaginative and limited world does someone have to be living in to not see the beauty and truth in this and respond in that way?
This tentative model for understanding the causes of problem drinking is offered in the report of the Cooperative Commission on the Study of Alcoholism: «An individual who (1) responds to beverage alcohol in a certain way, perhaps physiologically determined, by experiencing intense relief and relaxation, and who (2) has certain personality characteristics, such as difficulty in dealing with and overcoming depression, frustration, and anxiety, and who (3) is a member of a culture in which there is both pressure to drink and culturally induced guilt and confusion regarding what kinds of drinking behavior are appropriate, is more likely to develop trouble than will most other people.»
Mary sings that God responds in two ways to the two different kinds of people in the world.
To situations of these kinds the comparative religionist may respond in various ways, though to me it hardly seems reasonable that he not respond at all.
When you act in a way that is responsible and kind, people can respond that way back to you.
I wish for a way to respond in kind to your energy sent my way, but I do fear that time will not allow for that to happen.
Thus, he was seen all but bear - hugging the president after the storm, and it certainly doesn't hurt to have the popular governor from across the way responding in kind.
Dogs can do that because their noses contain 900 different types of olfactory receptors, chemical detectors in cells that respond to many different kinds of odor molecules in particular ways.
And the only way, besides plainly communicating their needs, which seems unlikely to happen, is to pay attention and respond in kind.
With the responsibility to respond in the best way for so many difficulties, having a clear framework with strategies I can understand and which the children become used to across the school, has allowed me to feel more confident in being able to support children who might have big safeguarding challenges, mental health difficulties or the kind of learning needs which make the classroom a tricky place to be.
With programs responding to the specific needs of students in their communities, Build SF's Fowler says, «it's kind of the American way — here's this need, and people are finding ways to meet it.
Joe Pickett, game warden of Twelve Sleep County in Wyoming, is just the kind of everyman hero we can't help but identify with: something of a plodder, even a bit of a bungler (he loses his gun to a poacher in the novel's opening scene), he is nevertheless the kind of man who responds to a crisis with courage and the ability to act decisively (just the way we like to think we would respond).
The weekend was surreal in a way: After nearly ten years, my books were out in the world, and readers of all kinds were responding to my work.
Sooner or later, a homeowner will respond in kind to the unannounced officer the way the officers respond to these dogs, with lethal force.
That is cute in the true meaning of the word — ugly but interesting (but beautiful in a baby alien kind of way)... Do what works for you Alex — looking forward to reading about these beach towns you will discover, no need to respond to my comments though (that should lighten your workload!).
Travel, especially the kind of roaming that Randy pursues, is a deeply personal experience, one that different people respond to in different ways.
Must admit, I kind of wanted to respond the way you did, but I didn't want to insult anyone in any way.
I'm fascinated by photography, and respond to photographers who manage to capture the way people generate a kind of field around themselves; William Eggleston and Garry Winogrand never fail to draw me in.
Not the way I was making paintings ten years ago, sitting in front of something and responding to it, but working away from the direct contact; whether it be through drawing, through memory, through some kind of interpretative reference to a photograph.
I keep coming back to that: listening and responding, but responding in a way where you still allow the person a certain kind of platform.
Questioning of this kind does touch the heart of the issue, i.e. that the * certainty * of near - term calamity (decades) is a cultural truth not based in science, in a way the public can grasp, and whether or not the the physical climate is actually responding to ACO2 in a good, bad, or indifferent manner.
showing how EM radiation, heat and air / water kinetic energy (in cells, circulations, currents, weather systems and convection columns and so on) move and how long they have to move before they reach some kind of equilibrium would go some way to visualising why it takes time for the earth system to respond to radiative forcing (commitment time lag).
I was convinced that last year there were more solo lawyers responding and so that kind of tended to skew the results in one way.
Child behaves in ways that push caregiver away: The caregiver is helped to override tendencies to respond «in kind» and to provide nurturance regardless.
The sooner we make peace with the idea that our child may at times have a tantrum, the easier it becomes to respond in a kind, calm and connected way.
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