Sentences with phrase «response to all of this»

Today's lesson is written in response to some of the emails I get each week that ask me about my own personal trading habits.
A wheat allergy is an immune response to any of the proteins present in wheat, including but not limited to gluten.
The first group freely reported their emotional responses to each of 30 video clips.
His body of work is a direct response to some of the most pressing socio - political issues of the country.
We also asked a company spokesperson for responses to all of these questions.
I suspect that the way the questions are posed already suggests that my basic response to each of these questions is affirmative, as indeed it is.
You can get videos or pictures and get immediate responses to any of your questions.
The responses, each about 30 pages, offer a point - by - point response to each of the allegations and claims in the lawsuits.
Around 45 minutes, your body increases dopamine production, which stimulates the pleasure centers of your brain — a physically identical response to that of heroin, by the way.
If you find yourself with a negative response to any of these requirements, think twice and discuss the situation with someone else.
Participants are invited to visit the museum with the artist and to give their personal responses to some of the objects on view.
I had been using the other resume for four months without a single response to any of my applications.
A report compares user responses to those of top performers.
After listening to the interview, ask students for responses to each of the posted questions, and write down any additional questions that they have for the author.
The table below offers a summary of responses to each of the sectors canvassed.
FSCO has provided written responses to each of these recommendations, which is also included in the report.
As a completely non-sequitur aside, the phrase «May the Force be with you» prompts a very, very specific response to those of us who grew up Catholic.
As well as being an artist, Goss plays in Indie band, My Sad Captains, and there can be no doubt that this informs his art as his music elicits very similar responses to those of his artwork.
«In the last quarter we were able to report that arrears [in Alberta and Saskatchewan] had been reduced quarter - over quarter,» he said in response to some of Cohodes» claims.
That is a very fitting response to those of you here who were foolish enough to think you could hold anything resembling rational debate with a religious loony.
If I really believe, though, that process theism can offer more natural, obvious responses to some of the key challenges posed by evil, then how can I justifiably maintain that FWTs can offer a plausible theodicy?
We begin today with Brickner's response to some of Piper's recent writings and sermons, and will continue tomorrow with Piper's response.
The first General Assembly of the World Council of Churches was meeting in Amsterdam at the time, and I recall vividly our professor sharing with us reports on Reinhold Niebuhr's angry response to some of Karl Barth's pronouncements there.
This is a common response to those of us who speak from the margins of evangelical Christianity about issues around gender, race, and sexuality, and it's an effective one because it appeals to something most of us value deeply: Christian unity.
Identity politics was an understandable response to some of the injustices of the twentieth century.
«Issues of standing — that has nothing to do with remarks of the speaker,» O'Connor said in response to some of Schulz's statements.
These deep - diving marine mammals have similar physiological responses to those of an animal frozen in fear: Their heart rate, breathing and metabolism slow, mimicking a «deer in the headlights» reaction.
We typically take longer to respond to a central target (e.g., a spoon with a rightward - oriented handle) when it is flanked by distractors that would elicit a different manual response to that of the target (e.g., spoons with leftward - oriented handles).
In pooled models, positive responses to any of the three questions above (here termed «cardiovascular diseases») was associated with BPA concentrations (per SD increase in BPA OR = 1.26, CI: 1.11 to 1.43, p = 0.001).
Centered on moral dilemmas regarding racism and how to both study and teach sensitivity to the issue, the conversation — while lively and intellectually challenging — seemed, like many debates on morality, only to result in even more possible responses to some of the complexities Minow raised.
Additional thanks goes to them for ultra-fast response to any of the questi...»
The devs have posted an official response to some of the outcry, particularly regarding the nerfs to Templar.
There have been patient and dull responses to all of these things in the literature that Judith hasn't read.
It is sufficient response to all of them (and all the questions in the framing document I have read) to simply reply, read the IPCC report.
Quinn may have a point in how the defense counsel provided less than stellar responses to some of the questions.
The available data include the climate responses to each of the forcings for fixed SST simulations («Fixed SST Response») as well as for the interactive coupled atmosphere - ocean model («100 - Year Response»).
It is nearly impossible to provide individualized responses to all of the parties that appear before tribunals, however, it is crucial that tribunals have at least a sense of the needs of the community that it serves.
Dr. Buvanendran filed responses to all of the interrogatories by the date set by the court.
Clients value our deep understanding of the local markets in Scandinavia, which we complement with our international experience and market leading knowledge of our chosen sectors of focus, enabling us to provide a practical and commercial response to all of their legal requirements.
In addition, Glenbrook Manor offers personally trained, on - site service personnel and quick, courteous responses to all of your service requests.
«Primary resistance to PARP inhibitors in a subset of [germline BRCA1 / 2 mutation carriers] limits the potential of BRCA status as the only biomarker of response to that of an enrichment strategy,» wrote study authors led by Violeta Serra, PhD, of the Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology in Barcelona.
Check in with your students throughout the year during one - on - one interviews, or ask for their written responses to some of the following types of questions: Do you feel safe in our class?
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