Sentences with phrase «response to market conditions»

They are opposed, for example, to differential pay in response to market conditions (which might mean paying math and science teachers a premium to attract and hold them).
Market Risk: The underlying price of a particular bond changes in response to market conditions.
Unlike legacy technology platforms that are expensive to maintain and prevent agile response to market conditions, our clients take back control of their business by quickly implementing, extending, and digitizing the entire lending lifecycle.
The fact that wool prices, for instance, varied in response to market conditions but nominally remained fixed by royal fiat for 150 years shows that this standardized price referred to debt payments owed to the palace and its collectors.
Especially in creative industries, where margins are quickly shrinking, companies increasingly need to be agile enough to scale up or down in response to market conditions.
Response to market conditions is thus faster for family - run companies.
What's good about this type of investment is that anyone trading them can make decisions and transactions on the spot, in response to market conditions.
World leader in high - end hydrocolloid products CP Kelco has lifted the price of xanthan gum in response to market conditions.
Mergers are a response to market conditions, not a cause of them.
Asset models are reviewed by the Investment Committee every quarter and changes may be made, as deemed appropriate, in response to market conditions and are made available to self - directed investors through PortfolioBuilder.
Beyond the convergence, their responses to market conditions have also become more in - sync, particularly during the recent rate cut.
Given the importance of cap and participation rates to the performance of an IUL, analyzing IUL carriers to see not only their current floor, cap, and participation rates, but also how they have adjusted those rates in the past in response to market conditions is recommended.
What's good about this type of investment is that anyone trading them can make decisions and transactions on the spot, in response to market conditions.
Recommends strategies to adjust activities as needed in response to market conditions, competitive pressures, apartment turnovers and other factors influeincing occupancy
Market orientation relates to implementing something new or different as a response to market conditions and may be perceived as innovative behaviour.
NAREIT's Case doesn't dispute that there may be consolidation in the residential mortgage REIT industry, saying it's normal for the number of REITs to ebb and flow in response to market conditions.
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