Sentences with phrase «response to pressure»

In statements, sources familiar with the meeting said exchanges have all largely agreed to limit margin trading and zero - fee trading in response to pressures from the central bank.
The pelvic floor muscles contract and tighten in response to this pressure to stop you from pushing your organs out.
For example, largely in response to pressure from Washington, states required districts to step up their teacher evaluation systems.
Recently, however, geneticists have surprised themselves by finding evidence of recent and rapid changes in human genomes in response to the pressures of civilization.
Endothelial dysfunction was measured by assessing flow - mediated dilation (FMD), a noninvasive ultrasound measure of how well the vessel dilates in response to pressure on the wall of the blood vessel.
Updated: Colin Kaepernick's grievance against the National Football League claims all 32 teams colluded to keep him out of the league in response to pressure by President Donald Trump.
Though this is essentially a conservative view, Smith quickly pointed out it's not one that acquiesces to a poor response to pressure, namely cheating.
Cameron's reckless challenge to his adversaries to debate with him (and Brown's inexplicable, suicidal agreement to do so) was not in the least «laudable»: it was a cheap ruse designed to give him an unearned advantage over Brown plus a weak response to the pressure from Murdoch's Sky News, bleating away for leadership debates for obvious commercial reasons — politics as entertainment.
Because the ball has no initial spin, the motion of the surrounding air has more of an effect on the ball's flight: «A ball that's knuckling... is moving in response to the pressure distribution, which is constantly changing.»
He says that any animal with air - filled lungs that vibrate in response to pressure waves «will hear pressure in water whether it wants to or not.»
The first is that typically we don't know how actively to treat glaucoma, even in patients with very elevated pressures, because people vary in the extent to which they lose ganglion cells in response to pressure increases.
In recent years and largely in response to the pressure generated by high - stakes testing, school districts around the United States are providing instructional coaches to work in schools with a large enrollment of struggling students.
The power of the false responses to pressure real study participants to give wrong answers was greatly reduced when even one of the fake...
The Condition Report is a summary of the status and trend of sanctuary resources, pressures on those resources, and management responses to the pressures that threaten the marine environment.
A Transition Initiative (which could be a town, village, university or island etc) is a community - led response to the pressures of climate change, fossil fuel depletion and increasingly, economic contraction.
And, while smart city planning and development is often led by municipalities and development in response to pressures such as increased urbanisation, city management, challenges, rising population and climate change, amongst other, role - players such as commercial real estate developers, investors and facility managers through smart commercial real estate planning, development, investment and upgrading, should also take part in laying the foundation of future cities.
Continuous, head - to - toe open - spring technology provides a steady coil shape and a more acute response to pressure; therefore solving the issue of the dreaded partner roll - together.
Our position is that even scientific proof of mankind's influence on the climate is not sufficient to legitimise Environmentalism, or the environmental policies being created by governments in response to pressure from Environmentalists.
Teach London, an online resource described as «a simple one - stop shop for people who want to become a teacher in London», was launched today by the mayor's office in response to the pressure on the capital's schools.
When the company went public in 2004, Page and Brin publicly declared that Google would never sacrifice long - term goals in response to pressure from shareholders.
Apple did launch the cheaper iPad Mini last year in response to pressure from Google and Amazon, who together set the new price agenda on that category with their own smaller and less expensive devices, the Nexus 7 and Kindle Fire, respectively.
Issued in response to pressure from institutional investors, the statement in effect revised the Roundtable's earlier position that «the shareholder must receive a good return but the legitimate concerns of other constituencies also must have the appropriate attention.»
In response to pressures in the bank funding markets — particularly for longer term loans — the Bank altered its market operations in a couple of ways.
This was in response to pressure from major investors, including Benchmark (told you to remember them) and Lowercase Capital (remember this now), whose representatives sent Kalanick a letter urging him to step down.
And recent signs suggest that the administration may be becoming a bit more measured in its trade approach in response to pressure from congressional Republicans from states that Trump won in 2016; many of those states would be disadvantaged should the US leave NAFTA.
Twitter now a public company with 288 million users and made this update in response to pressure to compete with other social networks.
In what was perceived to be response to the pressure, the Cardinal issued a letter that said homosexual friendship can be «a way of loving,» and declared that «homophobia should have no place among Catholics.»
The difficulty was that in response to the pressure to reduce violence, Hollywood began to increase the amount of sexual titillation.
However understandable supersessionism may be as a response to the pressures brought to bear on the church from the late first through the early fourth century, it should be dropped.
But in the past decade these legal protections have been systematically dismantled in response to pressures to speed up the execution process — «we just need to kill more quickly» is the primary rejoinder to the argument that the death penalty is not a deterrent — and to address the increasingly insistent demand for «victims» rights.»
The shaping of their message in response to this pressure is apparent in most programming, as articulated by Robert Schuller:
Partly in response to these pressures and partly in connection with its church growth movement, in 1977 the RCA decided to launch a new venture in Venezuela; it already has one missionary in the field.
Chambers will soon hit 30 premier league appearances and I suggest that it is better experience and a more reliable yardstick re reliability and response to pressure.
Look at it, instead, as a declaration of a need that has little to do with gender; as an inadvertent admission that in response to the pressure of his profession, Vaughn has allowed his dogs to get, literally, under his skin.
In response to these pressures, the number of wild animal species is dropping, but the Fish and Wildlife Service's annual budget for killing and poisoning rises inversely in magnificent adherence to Parkinson's Law.
In response to the pressure from DEAN SKELOS to find sources of payment to ADAM SKELOS, PRI agreed to, among other things, give ADAM SKELOS a full - time job with benefits.
This haven led to a major increase in the intake by the school was a response to pressure on the school by CSSPS to admit more.
Councilmember Koppell introduced the bill in response to pressure from his constituents.
In response to pressure from Gov. Andrew Cuomo, the Department of Education has resumed talks with the UFT on the issue of teacher evaluations in 33 restart and transformation schools, nearly a month after the city walked away from the negotiating table.
The results suggest that the stalk can vary in response to pressure from the immune system.
In response to these pressures, weedy forms that evolved from the crop forms are taking on traits more like those of wild ancestors.
In response to these pressures, turf - grass experts are developing grasses customized for certain climates, soil types, and uses.
Since then, in response to pressures from legislators, patient advocates, and pharmaceutical companies, the agency has continued to develop a variety of fast - track pathways that expedite the approval of new drugs and medical devices.
In the team's studies on zebrafish embryos, the embryos responded to a magnetic field by twirling, which they generally do in response to pressures in the water.
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