Sentences with phrase «response to the book»

So below is a compilation of just a few of my favorite responses to the book.
Continue your professional development and responses to this book with additional readings and share your thoughts in a series of graphic organizers using software tools or open applications.
Because that's what readers responses to the book are, and other readers should be able to see that.
A great or mediocre response to your book means it is worthwhile to that reader, and their comments are an open invitation to hone your skills and delight them further in future.
That reviewer's response to my book underscores why books like mine are crucial.
In particular, reaction paper should be written critically, it is your task to provide critical response to a book, film, event, or even a person.
Sutton has also become a kind of Wailing Wall for beleaguered managers (and managed) who share their tales of woe in response to books such as Good Boss, Bad Boss and The No Asshole Rule.
You agree not to misinterpret readers» response to your book as any fault of Books Butterfly e) You have to check and send screenshots from the actual ebook store dashboards (like KDP dashboard).
A couple years ago you wrote the most awesome response to my book of short stories, The Hypothetical Girl.
What is most important is that all class members, regardless of reading level, have access to the literature to be discussed in the book club, and that each student participates in written response to that book and discussion of it in a mixed - ability small group.See Prior to third grade, Book Club activities are centered on the teacher read - aloud, since most books that these children could read independently would not have enough substance to warrant extended discussion.
(I wrote a more personal response to the book for the Patheos Book Club here.)
It is a thoughtful response to the books of New Atheists, such as Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris, who have asserted not only the impossibility of miracles and the supernatural, but the harmfulness of belief in them.
Your reflections and reviews have brought happy tears to my eyes, and I am delighted to say that the three most popular responses to the book have been: 1) «it made me laugh a lot,» 2) «it made me want to explore the Bible more,» and 3) «I no longer resent the Proverbs 31 Woman.»
And Oz takes pride in almost confessional responses to his book from Orthodox readers.
Conversations in Religion & Theology is the journal of the Hartford Seminary in Connecticut, and the current issue is largely given over to responses to a book about your scribe that is less than complimentary.
I heard the same response to the book — «they're wrong!»
«Each of the students demonstrated a passionate response to the book, offering both personal insights and well - supported evidence from the text.
«Firstly, even though the Australian Curriculum places some value on an aesthetic response to books, reading for pleasure is not something it strongly promotes, so if we want teachers to place a greater emphasis on reading for pleasure in the classroom, this needs curricular support.
You want them to have a real response to your book — fun, cool, sad, important, expert, newsworthy, weird.
This booklet is for anyone working on developing responses to book up in Indigenous communities, including community leaders, non-government organisations, financial counsellors, community legal workers, government agencies or private businesses.
Due to the overwhelming response to her book and podcast, Clarissa has also launched two new initiatives to support and assist lawyers in their professional lives: «The Course and «The Club».
Thanks so much for your encouraging response to the book so far, I'm very happy that so many of you are resonating with it.
In Washington, D.C., freshman English students work in cooperative learning groups to discuss character motivation, and second graders in Chicago busily work independently to keep a record of their own thinking in response to books they are reading.
Peter Leithart's response to my book is more reasonable than some reviews I have had the misfortune to read recently.
Their response to the book seems to be similar to what happens when observers at a chess match become obsessed by the details of the hand - carved chess pieces instead of by the game.
My book was never intended to be a polemic against complementarianism, (the word is only used once in its 315 pages), so I don't spend a great deal of time fleshing out all the nuances and differences of the movement, though conversations in response to the book have revealed these nuances and differences to be many.
Here he quotes Craig Albert: «The Christian faith did not grow in response to a book, but as a response to God's interaction with the community of faith.»
I've always wanted to write a response to that book, but really I just wanted someone to do it from a FG perspective.
Best Book Review: Tim Challies reviews «Heaven is For Real» (I'd be interested to hear your responses to this book.
Politics in Spires: Graham Smith and David Owen argue in a response to your book, published in The Good Society, that the Tribunate function might also be carried out by trade unions and labour parties.
The term «guided reading» is sometimes used to describe any time a teacher and / or group of children meet to read a story or part of a text, or consider their responses to a book.
The kids couldn't see the bigger picture at first, but now that they have seen the project completed, it was really amazing to see their response to the book when they saw all the other contributions from other classrooms.
Readers may disagree with them on some points, but there aren't entire movements of people sharing stories of shame, fear, anxiety, and heartbreak in response to their books.
The response to his book has been overwhelmingly positive, with Sheehan hearing from other veterans in an ongoing way, people who thank him for putting a name to the feelings they, too, are experiencing.
I hate to filter my response to book based upon others» responses to a book, but after a National Book Award nomination, a Guggenheim, and the almost unseemly vocal adoration of seemingly every major reviewer, one comes to a book with certain expectations.
I take no pleasure in my response to this book.
I'd apparently forgotten to send in my response to my book club, and in my mail was a Danielle Steel novel.
I was so impressed by your response to this book.
The editors of BookPage caught up with Strayed to discuss the success of her memoir, readers» responses to the book and more.
Kill fees are a response to book pullers.
The response to my books has been overwhelmingly positive.
In both cases, you are establishing your generous interest in them as readers and making the response to your book more personal.
What patterns have you found in people's response to the book?
The kids couldn't see the bigger picture at first, but now that they have seen the project completed, it was really amazing to see their response to the book when they saw all the other contributions from other classrooms.
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