Sentences with phrase «response to the disaster»

Many people have raised questions about the emergency response to disasters.
This tool modeled that effect and could be used for humanitarian responses to disasters as well as evaluating climate impacts and development interventions.
On the free site, which lists 1.8 million U.S. nonprofits and their financial records, you can... in response to a disaster like Hurricane Matthew or the mass shooting in Orlando.
Speed is critical in the project because the LORELEI goal is quick response to disaster relief, meaning high performance computing is critical.
Following the 2010 earthquake, HSI implemented a long - term response to the disaster, and will be on the ground to help once again
Performing cleanups as needed to protect public health under the national contingency plan (the federal law that regulates federal response to disasters).
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, speaking at a church in the Bronx on Sunday, took aim at President Donald Trump's response to the disaster relief effort under way in Puerto Rico.
In her lab's analyses of social media responses to disaster, «we used to throw out tweets that had swear words in them
It should also be noted that Musk and Tesla, while providing a characteristically innovative response to the disaster, are far from the only big companies lending aid.
The song starts off as a pastiche of the happy - go - lucky response to disaster characterised by «Hakuna Matata» but ends in a community flipping the middle finger and screaming four - letter words at God.
ALBANY — Gov. Andrew Cuomo's administration plans a two - day conference on government response to disasters and emergencies, pulling in participants ranging from former British Prime Minister Tony Blair to an author who interviewed Osama bin Laden.
Andrew Mitchell MP, Shadow Secretary of State for International Development, argues, three years on from the Asian tsunami, that the world's chaotic response to disasters is costing lives.
For this reason, ICPS joined forces with the presidency of the Philippines and the Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources of Kenya in an effort to exchange best practices in response to disaster mitigation and risk management.
This guide was developed in cooperation with Annette La Greca, professor of psychology and pediatrics at the University of Miami, who helped establish the American Psychological Association's Task Force on Children's Psychological Responses to Disasters.
If the way our government handled Hurricane Sandy relief is any indicator, I think future responses to disasters will also be mired in bureaucracy, which will delay the response.
Back at the college, the intern will work with the shelter medicine faculty in veterinary forensic medicine, shelter consultations, diagnosis and management of disease outbreaks in shelters, and large - scale field responses to disasters involving animals, including mass seizures of abused or neglected animals.
During the spring semester, students at OSU's College of Veterinary Medicine are getting the opportunity to master the skills necessary for an effective response to disaster conditions.
He's summarized his findings beautifully in «Public Response to Disaster Warnings.»
And this tragic response, a criminal response to the disaster in New Orleans, which was as much if not more man - made than it was the consequence of nature.
As of yet there is no indication if this coverage will limit government assistance in the case of a disaster, but Aviva has stated that they «intend to continue working with provincial and federal governments and industry partners to create a coordinated response to disasters
Between tax law changes, insurance industry responses to disasters, and fluctuations in the market in general, the finances of owning a home are likely to shift in this new year — and mostly for the worse.
Bethenny brings compassion, efficiency and quick response to these disasters, helping lay the groundwork for our ongoing work with local nonprofits.
Following the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, HSI implemented a long - term response to the disaster, and will be on the ground to help after this disaster, too.
Federal response to the disaster has created a lot of anger and discontent.
In her lab's analyses of social media responses to disaster, «we used to throw out tweets that had swear words in them — not because we were sensitive, but because we thought they were less likely to contain valuable information,» she says.
Former President George W. Bush was widely criticized for his administration's handling of the response to that disaster, taking a heavy toll on public support of his administration, and Trump clearly was aiming to avoid a similar reaction.
With President Trump and the mayor of San Juan in a war of words this weekend over the relief efforts in hurricane - battered Puerto Rico and a stream of harrowing images coming out of the island and its neighbors in the Caribbean, it's easy to feel gloomy about the response to the disaster.
Since 2003, Walmart Canada has proudly supported Red Cross operations in communities across Canada, making them stronger and more resilient in their response to disaster.
He said that the state was in receipt of relief materials from the NEMA and other donor agencies in the country and commended the President for his quick response to the disaster.
After President Donald Trump used Twitter on Saturday to attack the mayor of San Juan for criticizing his administration's handling of the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, a senior Puerto Rican official defended the federal government's response to the disaster.
State Senator Gustavo Rivera, who was born and raised in Puerto Rico, called the federal government's response to the disaster an «utter, racist failure.»
Previously, Schumer has said that he wanted to focus on solutions rather than responses to the disaster.
We believe they misread the law, and misread the regulations, about how the funding should be spent, and so we're contesting their opinion,» he said, boasting of his administration's response to the disaster.
The US Congress fares worst in the new report, earning a»D» rating for its failure to enact any meaningful legislation in response to the disaster.
While providing a response to the disaster, these efforts restored natural storm protection and developed resiliency for the next storm, further helping community members protect their heritage, economic interests, and families.
In response to the disaster, Nissan will prioritize its limited production to focus only on its most important models.
Veterinarians play an important role in response to disasters that involve animals.
Anselm Kiefer's work is uncompromising in its response to the disasters of World War II and other historical traumas.
Kiefer's work is uncompromising in its response to the disasters of World War II and other historical traumas.
In an interview, David Gallo, the director of special projects at Woods Hole and a veteran of decades of deep - sea exploration at depths more than twice those at the Deepwater site, said too much of the response to this disaster was weeks late and reliant on BP's own equipment.
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