Sentences with phrase «response to the statement»

Then have each group gathered in response to a statement work together to write a clear statement explaining their position.
Your first response to that statement is probably disbelief.
The actress added that the positive response to her statements has been encouraging.
My first response to that statement was, «Well excuse me for being too busy creating new recipes for you to eat every single week».
In an assembly, Eysha, a Year 3 student, shared her opinion in response to the statement about culture: «If everyone from one country was for one culture, and another country was for another culture, we wouldn't know about any cultures except our own.
In response to a statement by König that he did not want the exhibition to be purely about sabre - rattling political statements, Russian collective Chto Delat announced earlier this month that they would be withdrawing from the show.
This is in response to a statement made by Johannesburg Mayor, Herman Mashaba, regarding the outcry from property owners about some of their properties facing increases of up to 1 000 % in the City.
The EAT asks for responses to statements such as «I feel extremely guilty after eating», «I am preoccupied with a desire to be thinner», or «I have the impulse to vomit after meals».
Miner did not comment directly on the endorsement, but her press secretary, Lindsay McCluskey, released the following response to their statements:
Ratings for this particular lesson on appreciation were 98 percent favorable, and an internal analysis of retrospective pre-test survey responses spanning one year indicate a 33 percent increase in favorable responses to the statement «I look for ways to acknowledge and appreciate each of my team members, and make sure to communicate this in a timely manner,»» the company reports.
What is your personal response to the statement that «each one» is given a manifestation of the Spirit?
Bartley documents the Nazi response to the statement condemning Nazism by the Dutch bishops read out in all the churches of the nation on July 1942.
It was a specific response to the statement that we have two (very) good left full backs.
This was made known in what could be termed its swift response to the statement by the PDP spokesman, Olisa Metuh alleging that President Muhammadu Buhari is «demarketingNigeria».
Tomori stated this at the Oroki Day celebration in Osogbo, Osun state capital in response to a statement credited to the former Deputy Governor in the state, Senator Iyiola Omisore during his speech at the occasion.
Talking over people who were shouting responses to the statement about economic growth, Faso said he also supports the elimination of taxes on medical devices.
Sociologists Dr Kjetil van der Wel and Dr Knut Halvorsen examined responses to the statement «I would enjoy having a paid job even if I did not need the money» put to the interviewees for the European Social Survey in 2010.
Another school focused on improving its advisory program after student responses to the statement, «In my school, there is at least one adult who would help me with a personal problem,» revealed a weakness in this area.
In my experience, the immediate response to this statement in the investing context is always two-fold:
In response to a statement issued by the FDA regarding the potential association between over feeding chicken jerky in general and the reported 70 complaints of dogs having illnesses like diarrhea and vomiting, Jerry Peters, President of ADI Pet, Inc. issued the following statement:
The common response to this statement is always «but DICE never makes good single player games.»
The protest was organized by local Planned Parenthood affiliates in response to statements Fiorina made during the latest Republican debates.
In response to the statement from the Biological Society of Washington, Discovery has accused the group of imposing a «gag rule on science» (never mind that Meyer's article was beyond the scope and traditional subject matter of the Proceedings).
This is in response to statements made on Twitter by Trump that attack Bezos and Amazon.
Andy - In response to your statement about others who had claims of resurrection, once again Jesus is different in that He was an actual person that walked the face of this earth.
In response to the statement, «I often feel anxious.
(Asked for a response to this statement, Hampton Creek declined to comment.)
And why is that your response to my statement about the blessings in my life?
In response to your statement, «I haven't seen any evidence...» Right, and I can't provide you with that evidence.
The UCLA scale gives participants a score based on their responses to statements.
David Martin, Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the London School of Economics and Honorary Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Lancaster, frames the book as a response to the statement of British zoologist Richard Dawkins that «religion causes wars by generating certainty.»
I think you wrote that in response to my statement about trusting — Bart Ehrman.
One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone says to me, (usually in response to some statement I've made about the role of women in the church or Christians and politics or some other wildly inappropriate subject for dinner conversation), «well I don't have the luxury of picking and choosing which parts of the Bible I take seriously.»
If you said to me, «Hey, i just saw Sasquatch — he's real», and I said to you, «Mike, I don't believe in Sasquatch — you're going to have to convince me that he is real», that statement of mine, in response to your statement, does not define who I am, nor does it provide the foundation for my values system, nor is it a religion or a system of faith and belief.
Lots of people are anti-abortion but don't want it banned,» said Elizabeth Nolan Brown, associate editor of Reason, in response to the statement.
Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg shares his response to the statement that was made at an Anti-Israel Rally led by the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, held in Cairo on November 25,
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