Sentences with phrase «responsibility of raising their children»

To this day, I continue to feel rushed and afraid, (not to mention completely paranoid about birth control), despite my husband's insistence that we will share the responsibility of raising children equally.
These heartfelt lines from a perceptive mother's letter express the intensity with which many parents feel the responsibility of raising children.
• A large percentage of dads consider themselves to be equal partners with their wives when it comes to the responsibilities of raising their children.
Iowa law requires that the court must consider the best interest of the child and order a custody arrangement that will give the child the chance for maximum continuing physical and emotional contact with both parents after the parents have separated and dissolved the marriage, and which will encourage parents to share the rights and responsibilities of raising the child unless physical harm or significant emotional harm to the child, other children, or a parent is likely to occur.
Judges in Kansas generally prefer to award joint custody, which allows both parents to share the rights and responsibilities of raising a child.
In such cases, parents share in the everyday responsibilities of raising the child, including financial obligations.
For years, the responsibility of raising a child was solely on the women.
Film Review by Kam Williams Headline: Santa Woos Overburdened Mom in Syrupy Sweet Christmas Comedy Nancy (Gabrielle Union) has had her hands full trying to raise three kids alone since her divorce from J - Jizzy (Charlie Murphy), a narcissistic rap star who's too self - absorbed to bear his fair share of the responsibility of raising the children.
A mother who can't handle the responsibility of raising her child commits a horrible crime.
This means that the parents should share in the rights and responsibilities of raising the child.
So for those in this boat it's a matter of seeing how the life insurance you have in force matches up with the new temporary responsibility of raising another child or children.
But back to the responsibility of raising children again and the need for us to re-examine our financial planning and specifically our over 50 or over 60 grandparent life insurance and that part that we may have been planning to or already have let go of, the replacement of our income for our children.
In an uncontested divorce, you and your spouse agree on all divorce - related issues, such as division of assets and property, debt obligations, spousal support, and all matters associated with the responsibilities of raising any children you have had together.
The responsibility of raising a child is enormous, and for someone who is still in his teenage years, it can feel devastating.
In many, if not most, situations, joint custody is preferred since both parents share the rights and responsibility of raising the child.
The laws also need to be amended so that both parents share in the equal financial responsibility of raising their children.
Parenting with a romantic partner or a co-parent helps both parents feel supported, and many couples enjoy sharing the responsibility of raising a child.
Typically, the non-custodial parent pays child support to the custodial parent in order to help with the financial responsibilities of raising the children, but there can be other family arrangements, such as child support paid to a non-spouse or a third party.
In such cases, parents share in the everyday responsibilities of raising the child, including financial obligations.
You will be helped to develop a well - conceived co-parenting plan that will implement mutually agreed upon guidelines as to how you will share in the daily responsibilities of raising your children going forward.
I am sure that you can agree that there should be no penalty for taking on the responsibility of raising a child whose parents can not raise or have abandoned them, and that there should be full funding (just as for any other foster child) and societal support to acknowledge the great sacrifice we all benefit from when the kin of those children step up to the plate.
It allows both parents to have input on major decisions and disperses the responsibility of raising the children, allowing the children greater access to both parents.
These plans further the public policy goal that children have frequent and continuing contact with both parents, and that both share in the responsibilities of raising their children.
The responsibility of raising a child together and the endless nights full of s......
Divorced parents have to share the responsibilities of raising a child.

Not exact matches

It is first and foremost the responsibility of the parents to raise their children.
Children raised in homes that are both unready and unwanting of the responsibilities that come with raising a child, are placed at a disadvantage so severe it is near incomprehensible - particularly if their mother did drugs while pregnant.
This is a cheerful, readable book which aims to encourage ordinary Catholic women with busy lives, with homes to run and children to raise, with responsibilities and with jobs and worries, to live in the presence of God and to make prayer part of their daily lives.
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I mean, according to Scripture, it is the parent's responsibility to raise up their children and teach them about God, but our modern way of doing church relinquishes these things to 45 minutes on Sunday morning and Wednesday night, in a building with a (generally) controlled environment, and to a person we don't really know.
As such, the institution of marriage is a foundation of a just political order and the nursery of civic virtue, as spouses exercise mutual responsibility for raising their children.
Woman's primary responsibility was viewed as the raising of children and because of the demands this put on her time she was exempt from many religious obligations.
Hunting and golf are other sport interests shared by Mr. and Mrs. Hanes, but when the responsibilities of a large household, raising four children and running a knitting mill can be laid aside, it's the rod and reel and a good fishing location they choose.
I will take some responsibility for the failure of my marriage but, it is difficult for a marriage to survive when one partner is unable to communicate, take resonsibilty for his failings or even help raise his children.
she blogs at Fine and Fair, a blog written to and for her children about the ups and downs along the journey of raising them as responsible citizens of the world with the values of compassion toward all living things, environmental responsibility, conservation, and celebrating diversity in all of its forms.
My response in no way is saying that a stay at home mom isn't hard work because it is but be fortunate that you don't have your careers responsibilities on top of raising a child or children.
Being The Best Parents And Raising The Best Children The sense of responsibility that overwhelms parents even before the baby is born is an indication of the desire of the parents to be the best for their...
Raising a child is a very big responsibility i sholud know as a teen mom and goin to school it is alot of workk and can feel exhausted.
The purpose of a shared parenting agreement is to reach an understanding on how to jointly raise and care for the child (ren) with both parents sharing in the responsibilities and maintaining involvement in their day to day life.
Raising two or three children is a big responsibility and it affects a woman, her partner and the rest of the family.
It is the parent's responsibility to contribute at least 50 % of the love, time, and work it takes to raise the children.
Devaluation of native parenting, which embodies a feeling that parenting is a sacred responsibility, that children have wisdom, that children are the future of the Nation and therefore need to be raised with a sense of incredible value.
We should track down where the «village» — that extended network of family and friends which share responsibility for raising a child — went to and recreate it.
«The IDC is going to make a positive change for New York's working - and middle - class families who struggle to send their children to college through our College Affordability for All plan, make sure our teenagers are treated as such by Raising the Age of criminal responsibility and create good - paying jobs through our Made by New Yorkers vision.»
The Correctional Association of New York released a new online video aimed at getting legislation passed this session to raise the age of criminal responsibility and end the treatment of children as adults in the criminal justice system.
But Bob Reitemeier of the Children's Society said he wanted the age of criminal responsibility raised to 14.
What you seek to ban will find it's way here, and it is only raw luck that it has not hit one of our schools yet considering how some children are raised, and how some parents have abandoned the responsibility to be good parents.
«The Children's Defense Fund — New York thanks the Independent Democratic Conference for recognizing and prioritizing the need to raise the age of criminal responsibility in New York.
«Citizens» Committee for Children is grateful to the members of the Independent Democratic Conference for their commitment to ensuring legislation to raise the age of criminal responsibility was included in this year's budget agreement.
A great example of this is single parent dating — raising a child by yourself surely colours everything in a unique perspective, and it's obvious to see why some people can be reassured by someone with the same responsibilities.
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