Sentences with phrase «rest of one's students»

In the summer, when rest of the student body is away from campus, the basketball team is still there, living together, training together, playing Fortnite together, doing everything together.
I hope to pay off the rest of my student loan debt this year, then start investing heavily in retirement accounts, the stock market, and real estate.
The way the university is constructed is indicative of its fragmentation: many first year students live in one part of the campus, virtually devoid of contact with the rest of the student population; some the colleges within the university have their own dormitories, which also contain classrooms and faculty offices; many of the dormitories house only students with certain majors and contain the classrooms and faculty offices of those disciplines.
These were classes that were technically open to the rest of the student body, but the rosters were overwhelmingly athletes.
Graduates would be encouraged to go somewhere else for graduate school in the same way that the rest of the student body is encouraged to study somewhere else.
It cares about athletes benefitting from those things more than the rest of their student bodies.
Kills Crow might not keep every man he puts in a jersey for four years, but compared to the rest of the students at Haskell, you have a better chance of being one of the 150 odd kids crossing the graduation stage in May if you're on a team.
The student senate came out in favor of a hearing on the issue — which caused the rest of the students to call for an impeachment of the senate.
Whether students are playing Hoops, Flag Football or Indoor Soccer, there is no better way to burn some calories (and get the competitive juices flowing) than by lacing «em up against the rest of the Students on Campus.
And even if very athletic kids need an usually high number of calories, should their unique needs dictate calorie limits for the rest of the student population, which is unfortunately quite sedentary?
Establishing a program like this can help establish positive eating habits for the rest of students» lives.
We still have the same two complaining students we had three years ago... and the rest of the students trust what we serve.
If I had a dollar for every irritating dudebro who said that to me (and always with a perfectly punchable eyebrow raise) since giving birth, I could pay off the rest of my student loans in one fell swoop.
The rest of the students nodded.
Such sentiments followed him to graduate school at Rockefeller University, where others implied that he wasn't as good as the rest of the students and was only there because of a quota.
«And what helps underrepresented minorities will also help the rest of our students
They add that veterans feel separate from the rest of the student body because of their extended gap between high school and college, older average age, and deployment experiences, thus creating additional challenges for them to integrate with the rest of the classroom.
More than half of them originate from one of the four most common ethnic minorities, the rest of the students coming from other nonwestern countries such as Iran and China.
For the most part, the rest of the students professed that anything goes at school — within reason.
It's tradition for the kindergarteners to decorate wagons and then ride in them while tossing out beads to the rest of the students in the annual parade.
First, pay off the rest of my student loans.
She chooses Franklin Delano Roosevelt and leads the students in a percussive display of class disparity, with the front row clapping and cheering their wealth while the rest of the students pound their desks in disapproval.
But unlike the rest of the students at Beacontown High School, Scott's changes include long hair that covers his entire body, claw - like fingernails, fangs, a heightened sense of smell, superhuman strength and the extr... [Read More]
She, in turn, transforms the rest of the student body into bloodthirsty killers.
How to balance the needs of a disruptive third - grader with mental illness and the needs of the rest of the students.
It's about demonstrating to the rest of the school and the rest of the students what isn't good behaviour or what kind of culture we want.
That frees up the rest of a student's day for project - based learning, sustained reading time, physical education, and time to meet with his or her mentor.
Leveraging the ubiquity of the Internet, course choice policy gives many students a selection of electives, language courses, and AP courses that their schools do not have the capacity to provide or may not provide at times that work with the rest of a students» schedule.
The rest of the student body watches as the seniors go by in decorated cars, honking car horns and playing their favorite music.»
The rest of the student body and their teachers rock out.
The rest of the students in the control groups saw no significant improvement in any of these areas.
Then show one of the vocabulary cards to the Clue Giver and the rest of the students in the class; the Clue Receiver is the only person in the class who can not see the word.
But what about the rest of my students?
At the end of the night, the rest of the students pick a «new - to - them» prize too.
For example, in Middletown the district saw that their special education population responded better to learning through three - dimensional education resources in biology and experienced a big increase in proficiency attainment, whereas the rest of their student body did not experience those same results.
This is brilliant, as it means somebody could go in and ask for advice (encourage them to do this), and the rest of the students could provide a solution.
Then, look no further, this resource has a great guidance and understanding to give your son / daughter the edge to stand out from the rest of the students.
«By mid-year, she was right up there with the rest of the students,» said Nelson - Paunescu, who receives a voucher and is president of the Parent Teacher Fellowship.
Sometimes they even concede defeat and must ask a child to leave for the betterment of the rest of the student body — or perhaps for his or her own good.
Our student representatives will gather this spring to examine goals they have for summer reading in order to make purposeful choices, and then provide an opportunity for the rest of the student body to do the same.
People tend to focus on opportunities for the best while they don't see how damaging it is for the rest of the students to see very early that the best opportunities are not for them.
This resource can be extended with a» Mimic game» where the students will write their own sentences and mimic the key words to the rest of the students, who in turns will have to guess the sentence.
On the first two «costs» the book provides no evidence of harm, other than summary statements about segregation, expressing concern that «education programs that serve low - income and minority students have become quite different from those that serve the rest of the student population,» (p. 225) and that «charter schools have moved the country farther away from the collective and democratic forms of education.»
And what about the rest of our students?
The rest of the students follow in turn.
As soon as your agitated student is situated, make sure the rest of your students are calm and feel safe too.
The rest of the students score the presentations.
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