Sentences with phrase «rest of reality»

Secondly, this unique actual entity, or organism, is the context or structure in which all the rest of reality becomes, because it includes both the totality of the past and the totality of possibility.
Whitehead made it clear that God was not to be exempted from the basic principles governing the rest of reality.
Whether he believed he was doing it for everyone or otherwise, does not have any «special or magical» effect on the rest of reality.
Every bit of reality is essentially related to the totality of reality in its own unique way, and it depends upon the rest of reality for its origin, meaning and value.
First, the primordial or eternal nature of God as the principal of abstraction or originality and the source of the initial aim, and second, the consequent or temporal nature of God in which God, as part of reality, interacts with the rest of reality.
Consistent with Whitehead's philosophical system, God, as a part of reality, interacts with the rest of reality.
Within this one faculty he can gather together an infinite number of things, de-materializing them, co-ordinating them, watching their interconnections and relation one to the other, expressing truths about them and about their reference to the rest of reality....
He does not emerge and perish, only to be succeeded by another occasion, as is the case with the rest of reality.
You can only keep this tissue of comforting delusion alive by walling it off from all the rest of reality, building it in a vacuum.
For Whitehead, nature is simply an abstract way of talking about how something relates to the rest of reality.
And in denying ourselves, we distort the rest of reality as well.
It is never a private affair, done in isolation from the rest of reality.
In fact, all is well until Aquinas comes to deal with the relation of God to the world, when, like Berkeley, he refuses to see God in the same way as the rest of reality.
It is to regard human experience as a high - level example of the rest of reality.
It is that which links the self to the rest of reality.
It simply means that something which reaches a perfection relative to the rest of reality in one moment of time can be further perfected at a future moment of time.
In The 4 % Universe: Dark matter, dark energy, and the race to discover the rest of reality, Richard Panek explains how we came to know so little
They saw themselves engaged in a reckoning with cubism, the style through which Picasso and Braque had revised painting's subservient relationship to the rest of reality.
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